Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul

by What-A-Coincidence 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Estulin: Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul Best-selling author and Bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of U.S. government discussing what result would be if Congressman was killed

    Paul Joseph Watson
    Prison Planet
    Friday, December 14, 2007

    Best-selling author and Bilderberg sleuth Daniel Estulin says he has received information from sources inside the U.S. intelligence community which suggests that people from the highest levels of the U.S. government are considering an assassination attempt against Congressman Ron Paul because they are threatened by his burgeoning popularity.

    Estulin, whose information has unfortunately proven very accurate in the past, went public with the bombshell news during an appearance on The Alex Jones Show today.

    "I am getting information from my sources that there are people involved from a higher level of the American establishment who are seriously considering - this has not been confirmed - but assassination is definitely on the agenda and I pray to God that this is not the case," said Estulin.

    Estulin, an award winning investigative journalist, said that he was given the information from a source that has been reliable for over a decade in providing accurate projections of future events based on what the elite were discussing in their own circles and that assassination was a serious option should the Ron Paul Revolution continue to pick up steam.

    Estulin, author of the global bestseller The True Story of the Bilderberg Group described the concept as a "trial balloon from the inner core within the inner core - it hasn't gone beyond that but it is obviously on the table because I think needless to say they are very much concerned," he added.

    Best-selling author and award winning investigative journalist Daniel Estulin.

    Ron Paul himself has stated on a previous occasion that he is aware of the dangers of being such a bold icon for freedom and understands that political assassinations have occured in the past.

    In a June appearance on The Alex Jones Show, Congressman Paul acknowledged that such a threat is "real," agreeing with a number of historical examples where leaders were killed or attacked for successfully standing up to the system. "That's right. They'll do it," Paul said, making reference with Alex Jones to upstarts like Andrew Jackson, "The Kingfish" Huey Long, Bobby Kennedy, George Washington and even George Wallace.

    Estulin pointed out that his past predictions about global events were very accurate because of the solid information provided to him from within Bilderberg and the elite. Over 18 months ago Estulin correctly made the call that the Iran war had been delayed and was probably off the table, which is looking to be exactly the case after the release of the recent National Intelligence Estimate. Estulin in featured at length in Alex Jones' film Endgame, in which he is also filmed making the prediction based on his sources.


    Estulin said his sources were from within the intelligence community and they were telling him that "the people of the highest levels of government - not related in any way at least visually to George W. Bush - the first initial conversation of what might happen if we were to do this," has taken place.

    "The Ron Paul phenomenon has galvanized an entire nation," said Estulin, adding that both the people who discovered the plot and its potential protagonists are terrified at the consequences of what such an action will be because of the difficulty in judging just how severely the general public will react.

    Estulin said that the conspirators, which he described as a "small circle of intimates," were discussing what the effect would be if Congressman Paul was "removed" - they are being very careful to use the word "remove" rather than more volatile terms, but Estulin was told directly that "remove" was a euphemism for assassinate.

    Estulin said he may be able to be more specific on exactly who is discussing such an action in future, but warned that Ron Paul's staff should be aware of the issue.

    Click here to listen to the MP3 interview with Daniel Estulin.

    http://prisonplanet.com/articles/december2007/121407_assassinating_paul.htm George Carlin (some crude language) on "Reality" ... keywords "critical thinking" "obedient workers" "it's a big club and you ain't in it" "the game is rigged" "nobody seems to care" "they don't give a F about you!" "nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KVTfcAyYGg
  • a Christian
    a Christian

    You wrote: people from the highest levels of the U.S. government are considering an assassination attempt against Congressman Ron Paul because they are threatened by his burgeoning popularity. Can you explain why anyone would feel threatened by Ron Paul since he has absolutely no chance of ever being elected President?

  • What-A-Coincidence
    Can you explain why anyone would feel threatened by Ron Paul since he has absolutely no chance of ever being elected President?

    Depends how you filter information. If the only information you analyze is from the "MASS MEDIA" ... than I understand your comment. How can this be explained then? Ron Paul Tops Google Zeitgeist List Congressman most searched for presidential candidate of 2007 according to figures from most popular search engine


    Congressman Ron Paul has topped the internet's most formative list of popular searches in the category of 2008 presidential candidates, despite the fact that he started the year bottom of the pile.

    Google announced its annual year-end "Zeitgeist" list for 2007 Thursday with figures the tell the story of the meteoric rise of Ron Paul in 2007.

    In January Ron Paul was a virtual unknown, bottom of the list of most searched for presidential candidates. Mid way through the year the Congressman was on a par with the rest of the candidates, whose figures remained unchanged. Now the year end is here Paul has totally eclipsed every one of his rivals and continues to gain popularity whilst they remain stagnant.

    Marissa Mayer, Google's vice president of search products and user experience, expressed surprise at the results, noting how Paul has been shut out of the corporate mainstream but has flourished online. "He's not nearly as covered [in the media] as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, but he has marketed himself online. He's using the Internet to his advantage." Mayer commented.

    A cursory analysis of Ron Paul's web rankings on web ranking site Alexa.com also indicates that his presidential campaign is soaring while all his nearest rivals are struggling to attract any new visitors and are languishing in the congressmen's wake.

    just be patient :)

  • Jourles
    Can you explain why anyone would feel threatened by Ron Paul since he has absolutely no chance of ever being elected President?

    If this were true, why is he pulling in the most money(from citizens) of all the republican candidates? His campaign has just about reached their 4th quarter goal of $12 million. Dec. 16th will catapult him over that mark substantially. The news pundits were in total shock when he raised $5 million in the 3rd quarter. Imagine the splash and disbelief they will spout on Dec. 17th... If you're judging the electability of a candidate by their "poll numbers" or the amount of time that media outlets gives to someone, don't be too quick to write anyone off, anyone. BTW, what credentials would give any other (R) candidate an edge over RP? Or is it his stance on certain issues that gives him "absolutely no chance of ever being elected President?"

  • WTWizard

    Thus showing us that this planet is in a stranglehold of wickedness. No, not the kind of sham wickedness such as taking drugs, fornication, and loose conduct (which, to me, is not wicked). I mean the kind of wickedness where a few destroy the freedom for all.

    I am sure that they are going to knock off Paul, whether with an assassination or with some kind of fraud that will destroy his chances of getting into the White House. Then, they are going to effectively allow the drug companies and Monsanto (and the Watchtower Society) to run this country. The "they" is the collusion of big drug companies and Monsanto; the Watchtower Society will benefit indirectly by using this as a sign of the end times and from the de-education that the drug companies want performed on the citizens. The result is that we are going to become a dictatorship where everyone on the planet will have to take some kind of medication, whether or not it would actually do them any good.

    Worse, our freedom of speech will become a thing of the past (except for the Watchtower Society's; they will just go ahead and spread their poison anyway). Everyone will be forced into a pro-big drug company stance, and anyone that is opposed will be criminalized. Forums like this one will survive (the primary attack is against the Watchtower Society, which will only benefit as a side effect), but the "Breaking the Law" rule will have to include zero tolerance of discussion of alternative or complimentary medicine to replace or supplement regular medicine. Also, discussion pertaining to educating people outside the mainstream colleges will have to be banned under the "breaking the law", since such discussion will become illegal if the drug companies get their way.

    I hope they end up having no choice. I would like to see a Democrat that is pro-freedom running up against a Republican that is also pro-freedom. Especially if they succeed in knocking Paul out of the running, I would like to see someone that will promise the drug companies a zero tolerance of competition to get in, and then let them down. The Fed, the IRS's CID, and the organizations that are keeping this country dependent on foreign oil, too.

  • a Christian
    a Christian

    You asked: why is he pulling in the most money(from citizens) of all the republican candidates? Because he is raising that money mostly from Democrats, Libertarians, and independents who love his "Get out of Iraq now" stance. That's why his web site, unlike that of any other Republican candidate, has a page devoted to informing his supporters how they need to change their party affiliation in order to vote for him in the Republican primaries. You asked: is it his stance on certain issues that gives him "absolutely no chance of ever being elected President?" You guessed it. His "Get out of Iraq now" stance helps him raise lots of money from Democrats, Libertarians, and independents but it also assures that he will never gain the Republican nomination. For very few Republicans agree with him. You may notice that he is the only Republican who actually gets booed at the debates.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    A Christian

    You haven't said why Ron Paul is not a good candidate. Care to expound why? I am curious to here your point of view since he is the only one who WILL follow the CONSTITUTION. Thanks and besides Ron Paul is picking up steam ... would you not agree? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/12/12/wuspols212.xml

    Ron Paul leads Republicans online

    By Toby Harnden in Sioux Center, Iowa
    Last Updated: 7:35am GMT 13/12/2007

    The 2008 presidential campaign with the biggest on-line presence is led by 72-year-old congressman in a crumpled suit who confesses he has no internet strategy but just stumbled on “a wonderful secret weapon”.

    A campaign sign at his events boasts about the secret of his success: “Out next President is Ron Paul. Go ahead, Google him.” Doing so harvests 1.49 million items – more than Hillary Clinton (835,000) and Barack Obama (637,000) combined.

    On the campus of Dordt College, a private Christian university in the remote north-western corner of snow-blanketed Iowa, Dr Paul, an obstetrician/gynaecologist, was hailed by a gathering of more than 300 as a cult hero.

    After a speech in which he confessed he had first entered politics in 1971 as a “bit of a lark” and then railed against the “invidious erosion of respect for the constitution” and the “monstrosity” of the Patriot Act, the first questioner suggested a vote of thanks to “the people’s champion".

    National polls show Mr Paul in sixth place in the Republican field but he is in a stronger position in the early-voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire, where success could transform subsequent contests.


    If his on-line support and the enthusiasm of his followers can be translated even partially into feet on the ground on January 3, when the Iowa caucuses are held, then he could score a major upset by leaping ahead of one or more of the major contenders.

    Dr Paul draws backing from disaffected Republicans, some Democrats and a large number of independents. But his biggest pool of potential voters includes internet-savvy youngsters and others who have never been involved in politics.

    Samuel Zylstra, 21, a psychology student, said he first became aware of Dr Paul when he saw him on the television chat show hosted by the controversial political satirist Bill Maher.

    “Then I looked him up on the internet. There’s so much stuff about him there. That’s how his campaign works.”

    Except that Dr Paul had nothing to do with it.

    On Sunday Paul, third from right, attended a Republican debate with, from left, Mike Huckabee, Fred Thompson, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain and Duncan Hunter

    “I wish I could say, ‘Boy, I really organised the grass roots, I really know how the internet works and we hired a few computer experts’,” he said in Sioux City.

    Instead, the voters found Dr Paul and his campaign, like that of Howard Dean, the early Democratic front runner in 2004, has been taken in a direction the candidate himself had never anticipated.

    Matt Bai, author of a book that examines the effect of the internet on American politics, described the process in the New York Times as akin to a rock guitarist falling “backward off the stage into the hands of an adoring crowd”.

    Dr Paul’s contention that the “nanny state” has taken over invariably receives hearty applause.

    We have lost our way as a nation, we have lost our understanding of the constitution, we have lost our confidence in freedom,” he said in Sioux Center.

    But it is his anti-war message that brings crowds to their feet. Declaring that he would bring US troops home from the Middle East, Japan, South Korea and Europe, Dr Paul said that Islamist terrorism was motivated by America’s desire to extend “our foreign empire” and occupy other countries.

    He compared the Iraq invasion to a Chinese invasion of the US.

    “What if they said, ‘Well, we want to promote our system of government on you through force’? What if they build military bases on our land to protect their oil in the Gulf of Mexico and they had different religious values?

    “What would we do? It would unite every single American and we’d pick up our guns and do some fighting.”

    The movement that Dr Paul has tapped into will continue to be a force in American politics long after his campaign has ended.

    The momentum’s building regardless of the outcome of the election,” he told the Sioux Center crowd.

    “There’s something stirring in this country and I don’t think you can silence those people who have been interested in this campaign.”

  • a Christian
    a Christian


    You asked: You haven't said why Ron Paul is not a good candidate. Care to expound why? Actually, I like Ron Paul and his libertarian / noninterventionist philosophy. However, I think the noninterventionist part is unrealistic in today's world. Radical Islamists hate the USA and not just because we have a presence in the Middle East. They hate western civilization because we are not Muslims. Radical Islamists wants to conquer the world and bring every person on earth under the authority of a Taliban type government. If we do nothing to stop them, and stop Islamic nations like Iran from gaining nuclear weapons, it is just a matter of time before they fall into the hands of Islamic extremists who will use them against the USA, whether we have troops in Iraq or whether we don't. As they showed on 9/11 they are perfectly willing to kill myriads of innocents to further their agenda. I really do not believe this country has the luxury anymore to "avoid foreign entanglements." The rest of Ron Paul's program I could go with, if he took the Islamo-fascists more seriously. However, even then I doubt I would support him. Why? Because I can't imagine he would ever beat any of the top three Democrats running for President. And that would mean not just higher taxes but a whole lot more government control of our lives. I can't see Ron Paul being elected because, generally speaking, people vote for someone they like and for someone who makes them feel good, all warm and fuzzy. That's not Ron Paul. His voice is about as soothing as chalk on a blackboard. And his looks are downright scary. (Look at that photo you just posted of him.)Hillary and Rudy have much the same set of problems. They are just not likable. Mark my words. Mike Huckabee is our next president. He is as cute as a Disney character and almost everyone likes him. The media has done nothing but throw mud at him for the past two weeks and yet all that happens is his numbers continue to rise. His poll numbers are now tops nationally and also in almost every individual state now being polled. (New Hampshire is notorious for doing their own thing. Pat Buchanan, a Ron Paul type, actually won there a few years ago.)
  • B_Deserter

    a Christian, you're being suckered in by the lies of the Bush administration and the neocons. Our interventionism in middle eastern affairs was the reason cited by Osama Bin Laden as the reason for the 9/11 attacks. The "they hate us for our freedom" slogan is overly-simplistic and just downright wrong. Personally, anything Alex Jones says doesn't really hold much water with me. His conclusions are nothing but paranoia, and believing him is the same as believing the Watchtower Society to me.

  • Fangorn

    Wingnuts of the World Unite!

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