Baby GIRL names that start with "J"

by purplesofa 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • SacrificialLoon

    Hmmm... I can't think of any serious names that haven't already been mentioned so I'll just mention a silly one.


  • katiekitten

    Purps you are a maytyr!!!! How on earth did you manage with all those boys? Your little girl must be so special.

    Did you deliberately continue until you had a girl, or was is just random luck and you were going to have 5 kids anyway?

    Ive got to be honest - I had a water birth and when I saw those huge bollocks coming towards me as they lifted the baby out of the water and onto my chest I thought DAMN DAMN BOLLOCKY DAMN!

    Im told boys love their mums. Im sure this is the first little boy I will feel irrational love for, but girls are so pretty and lovely and ... and... sigh. I love girls. (In a having a child sense, not in a lesbian sense!!)

  • TheSilence

    Well, again, my name is Jacqueline, middle name Marie. Jacqueline Marie goes together well, I think, but perhaps that's because I'm used to it.

    Jetamio... hmm, I never thought about it. Maybe Annette?

  • purplesofa


    Reminds me of some of the names JW's have for their Brooklyn or Gilead.

    There is probably some kid somewhere with the name Jehovette


  • purplesofa

    I love your name Jacquline Marie

    My daughter is Jessica Lee Marie, I could not settle on a middle name so she got two!!!

    Katie Kitten,

    I was just an idiot and kept getting pregnant, I had twins so that speeds things up. And when I had my last boy, well I wasn't going to say......But in the recovery room, I thought to myself another effing boy!!!!
    But once I held him in my arms he was special and all was ok.

    My kids are James, Joseph, Jason, Roy and Jessica. The boys all have the middle name Edward, my ex' insistance. And Roy is named after my Grandfather. The twins are Joseph and Jason, of which I wanted to name Roy and Rodney, but my ex watned them all to have J names. So when the fourth son came I was like FU I am naming this kid what I want. I actually named, Joseph Roy and Jessica. So three out of five is not bad.

  • AudeSapere

    A friend's daughter is Janessa.

    I think Jordan has been mentioned along with Jadan (Jadin)

    Purps wrote: Jim, now that is an interesting girls name!

    I used to know a woman named 'Keith'.


  • DJK

    Jeanne, my daughters middle name.


  • TheSilence
    I love your name

    I'm partial to it, myself ;)

    I'll tell my mom you like it, she'll be tickled.

  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness


    Emily is nice, though, if she decides to get away from "J".

  • megsmomma

    How about "Jewel" the singer?

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