So, I ran into an Elder at supper the other night........

by WingCommander 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewYork44M

    It is interesting that only the elder spoke to you. Elders are able to talk to df and others that the r&f are not allowed to. But the elder cannot talk about weather or something friendly, only something classified as "official business." Which, it sounds like it was more business than friendship.

  • whyizit

    I'm not a JW, never have been... But I noticed that in many of their magazines there are little hints that if you can't get around good enough to place literature for the WTS, you could always leave your estate to them! Not word for word, but that's what it's saying in a nutshell.

    I actually asked about this once. Pointing out that the elderly probably couldn't get around good enough to "witness", and some are even home bound. I was told by a JW that Jehovah can still use the elderly, because they usually have assets they can leave the WTS. Never under estimate Jehovah!

    Maybe your JW "friend" was a little miffed that your Mother didn't leave the WTS her estate. Or at least a chunck of it.

    Isn't it ironic how they go on and on about "other churches" hitting you up for money, and yet they do the very same thing? But they just don't seem to see it that way.

  • LisaRose

    I think the religion trains you to deny all normal feeling and only express thoughts which mirror the "Party line" . I was in many awkward situations like that, on both ends (the "good jw" and the "failing JW"). When you have a religion that, that sees everything as black and white, with no sympathy for people in different situations, it causes that kind of thinking. I'm sure that some part of that guy had some normal concerns, but he just couldn't express that. It's very sad.

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