Requeim for a friend

by RollerDave 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • RollerDave

    I counted on you, and every day you came through. Helping me start my day and face another set of challenges in this hard life of herding cats. I fell back on you when it was tough and you never failed to pick me up.

    You were usually the first thought on my mind when waking up, and the first thing I would do was laughingly push your buttons.

    But it's been tough lately, I could sense there was something wrong. You seemed to take longer to come through for me and made increasingly grumbly noises about it.

    Then came the day I tried our normal routine and you wouldn't budge. I knew then that it was over. I missed you all through that day but knew it was no use, the good old days were gone.

    It's true what they say that you can never go home again.

    Luckily, you can always buy a new coffeemaker.

    Whew! THAT'S better!


  • mrsroller

    I'm glad u luv ur new spiffy coffemaker!

  • RollerDave

    Oooooh, Hotty Hunny, you're trolling the boards!

    Well ya caught me! Rrrrawr!

    Yeah, first was the awesome Cuisinart grind n brew, I loved that old noisy beast, but it only lasted three or so years, then a procession of nameless plastic hordes of short lived coffee ground torturers until we got that lovely Krupp off the free market website and I did a ground-up rebuild.

    Wow that thing made a good cuppa joe, but alas the well water here at The Point was rather hard.

    Well, EXTREMELY hard. I'm talking pick it up out of the cup and chuck it at my brother Tofu's head it was so hard.

    (insert rimshot here)

    Croaked ol' Kruppy pretty good, so we got Mr Coffee and hated him from the get-go. Miserable sod would piss all over the hot plate when you took the pot out to pour. It didn't matter that the cycle was finished, it would still take a giant leak all over the hissing complaining hotplate.

    Seems it were designed with a ginormous lid that trapped all the condensation and channels to direct it down the OUTSIDE of the filter basket and bypass the 'interrupt' feature.

    AND it would never pour without dripping and running down it's side. Horrendous!

    I waited FOREVER for the hard water to kill that damn lying Mr Coffee!

    Then we got my much loved Black and Decker. That thing had a little separate lid for the filter basket that prevented pissing (me off) and just did it's job.

    It had to have its carafe put back JUST SO tho.

    I wish they still made that maker.

    Tho now we have the Hamilton Beach Michael Graves design automatic drip coffeemaker from Target, and it is totally awesome! Removable water reservoir, a filter basket under a separate door, which locks into place, and a very nice interrupt feature that doesn't drip, and a wide open design that isn't picky about how you put back the carafe, and it pours right where you want it (into the cup) and not where you DON'T want it (my lap, my nuts, the controls for the electric range, The dog...)

    All in all a good bit of buying on your part, Mrs. Super shopper!

    Luv ya,


  • Abandoned

    OK, don't make me ask it again. You are a natural for telling a comical story. Do you have a blog? If you do, let me know where it is so I can read it. If you don't, well start one. Soon.....

  • RollerDave

    Abandoned, you got a PM.

  • Lou_Cypher

    Get a Tassimo!!!!

  • Satanus

    The life and times of a coffeeholic ;) I like coffee the consistency of mud. Thus, i have narrowed it down to a screen. Works for me. 'Corse, it's not the kind of coffee a woman takes to.


  • R.F.


    Good one RD.

    I just got a new coffeemaker a few days ago. I know the feeling.


  • FadingAway

    That story made me cry RD. I decided to quit caffine this week and I'm cranky as hell.

  • misanthropic

    Here's to your new coffee maker RollerDave- life without coffee is unimaginable to me

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