Jan 2008 Kingdom Ministry Quote

by AlphaOmega 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AlphaOmega

    This struck me as a nice way to bolster the numbers.

    Isn't this "preaching to the converted" ?
    Is this new or is it just reiterating old news ?


    Question Box

    ...If the student qualifies for baptism before completing both books, the study should continue until the second book is finished. Even though the student is baptized, the conductor may count the time, the return visit, and the Bible study. A publisher who accompanies the conductor and participates may also count the time.
  • nicolaou

    It's been that way as long as I can remember.

  • sir82

    Hey you got your January KM already!

    What's the theme for this year's District Convention?

  • AlphaOmega
    It's been that way as long as I can remember.

    Thanks. Crazy isn't it ?

  • lawrence

    Screw the fact that this newly baptized one is now "twice as condemnable to hell" - make sure one counts the time. This death dealing cult needs to end.

  • AlphaOmega

    Hey you got your January KM already!

    What's the theme for this year's District Convention?

    Didn't look like it was mentioned in the January one - ??? The December KM gives the times, but no theme.

  • faundy

    Check out the current thread on this topic- we're all hazarding guesses.

  • sir82

    Now that is weird. No theme mentioned in December either?

    Sorry to go off track on your topic. But it is old news - that has been the policy for many years.

  • carla

    All about being able to 'count' time isn't it? Makes it all worth while, collect as many brownie points as possible. No wonder jw's are so dense about gift giving, they have no concept of a free gift. (for the believing folks)

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    The Theme this year is: The Magical Ways Jesus Counted Time

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