Has anyone had or heard of dead love ones come to visit???

by babygirl75 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • babygirl75

    I just had a customer of mine come in to talk with me. She lost her mother who was also a client of mine back in the summer. She told me that "momma came to visit me the other night". I asked her what she meant by that. She said she was laying in her bed (she moved into her mother's home) and her mom came in and sat on the corner of the bed and smiled at her and then just like that she was gone. She said she looked just like they buried her. Same hairdo & outfit.

    Another story, there is a school in our area, where a little girl comes to visit but stays in the hallway of just one part of the school. She does not show while the other students are there, only in the early morning and evening. Several teachers and the principal have had encounters with her.

    What's your take on this or experiences??

  • Vivamus

    I think there is more between heaven and earth than is known to men.

  • lovelylil

    I've had personal experience with this.

    A few months after my mom passed away, she came to me in my dreams. She let me know she was waiting for my dad who would be joining her shortly. A few weeks later dad was diagnosed with Cancer. Though the prognosis was good, I told my brothers and sisters he was going to die because mom told me in my dream.

    Well they all thought I was bonkers until Dad also passed. Exactly one year to the day of mom!

    Also, Last year my daughter swears her grandpa (my dad) came to visit her in her room and spoke to her. It freaked her out so badly she refused to sleep in her room. I had to go in there and tell grandpa not to speak to her out loud anymore because he frightened her. I told him he could visit as much as he wanted but had to be quiet. He obliged! No more talking. But we do occasionally hear footsteps upstairs when no one is up there.

    I've also spoken to lots of people with similiar stories. My grandmother also appeared in a dream to my mother when she died. So I think this is a family thing. I also tend to seen people with a strong intuitive side or 6th sense in the same families too and they tell similiar stories.

    The one thing I hate because it scares me is evp's (electronic voice phenomina) and I will never let anyone try to get grandpa on tape. I've heard it just opens the door up too much to the other side and you can attract good spirits but dark ones as well. Lilly

  • Finally-Free

    My dad was 81 when my ex and I moved into his house. The idea was that I help him out because of his ill health. He ended up dying the same day we moved in. Shortly after the funeral I was sitting in my chair and dozed off. I had a very vivid dream of walking up the stairs and seeing him standing there smiling at me. I asked him, "What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be dead!" He laughed at me and I woke up.


  • feenx

    I've recently been trying to grapple with this as well, not so much as dead loved ones, but in terms of the spirit realm in general. Obviously as a JW, especially a child, it is highly stressed that demons do exist and are inheritantly bad. This information in addition to the strange practices my grandfather was involved in has instilled a deep fear of "demons." Now in adult life I grapple with the idea of a "spirit world" in whatever form or function, and if that is indeed a reality, what if any bearing that has on me now. I had a very strange dream about it the other night. In the dream I was lying in my bed, the one I had at my parents house, and I was in distress, fearful, wanting to know once and for all if spirits were real and if I was at risk. Then all of the sudden I remember seeing a black substance of some kind and it swooped over me, almost through me, and I remember in the dream getting that feeling in the pit of my stomach like when you're on a roller coaster, and then suddenly an overwhelming feeling of peace and calmness came over me, and it was like someone was telling that yes it was real and not to be afraid.

    I have no idea what, if anything, that dream "means." Or that it's anything other than my subconscious expressing itself on a matter that's been on my conscious mind. In any event, it was certainly reassuring to know that at least a part of me is ok with there being a "spirit world." Still though, it is something I don't understand and that I am very leary of, though I would like some concrete answers. I think that's the hard part, knowing what information is trustworthy that's out there.

  • wednesday

    "someone' kept me from falling last winter. it was cold and stormy outside and our dog was inside. I was carrying a cup of tea and it was dark and I bumped into the dog and began to topple. I felt something grab my forearm and steady me. That was it, nothing more. I felt stunned and thought surely it was my hubby. Not so-he was in bed soundly asleep.

    This is a complete 180 from what jws teach but still I believe it now.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Shortly after my grandpa passed away, I had a very very vivid dream about him, I was wearing a black suit and he walked up to me and said thats a nice suit you have on, I said yeah it's the suit I wore to your funeral then he put his index finger to his mouth and said shhhh don't tell anyone that I'm dead. Very weird dream

  • Mary

    About 2 weeks after my youngest brother died (killed in a car accident), the phone rang and my mother answered it. She said it was my brother's voice and he said "Mom?"

    Being a Witness, my mom believes it was Satan trying to drive her crazy and she quickly hung up the phone. We've talked about it a few times and I said "maybe it just sounded like him." She said "...I know his voice. It was him. Or it was Satan pretending to be him..."

    Since I now believe that there is something beyond this life, I wonder if it was my brother.......

  • VoidEater

    As a youngster during a traumatic incident I observed the whole thing (including my own body) from a point of view near the ceiling. Does this have any bearing on "spirit" and visitations?

  • momzcrazy

    Yes, I have. My dad died suddenly while our family was in a horrible fight. I was very angry with him when we moved from Utah to Tenn, I didn't even call and tell him goodbye. I found out he was trying to get ahold of me and I called and told him we had moved. He was like, OK, where, I have presents for Courtney. She was about 6 months old. When I told him where I could hear the hurt in his voice but he tried to not let it show. That was our last conversation.

    I have smelled his cologne in the middle of a field or in the car. I dreamed of him several times, where he is dead and he has to go back but wants to say goodbye. That is what he says, I have to go back soon, but I wanted to say goodbye, or I love you. The other day I was driving and I swear it felt like if I turned to the passenger seat he would be there. And he was standing behind me one day when I was crying.

    I completely agree that there is more out there than we can understand.


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