Keep on the Watch brochure - WT back track

by The Scotsman 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • feenx

    Good god, just seeing the borgs artwork after such a long time and their streamline of shite flinging theories makes my stomach do flip flops. I can't even believe they had the gaul to print something about sex abuse covers ups. Wait, let me re-phrase. I can believe they had the gual, but I can't believe their legal dept and PR dept let it slip and such a phrase as "Priests sexually exploit young people; church cover-up" actually got printed. Has anybody seen those silly Claritin Clear allergy drug commercials? Where they show people doing something with a fuzzy picture and then suddenly they take this wonder drug and everything is crystal clear? That's how I feel about the org, you just dont know how mucky those waters are, and hence your view of everything, until you take a wonder drug (whatever that may be) and suddenly everything is clear.

  • AlphaOmega

    I can't believe that they printed this... many years later :


  • hawkaw


  • Bonnie_Clyde
    Interesting move from the org regarding the January offer of the Keep on the Watch brochure being cancelled.

    I'm just curious. I assume the KM announced the "Keep on the Watch" brochure. What month? November? December? And how did they announce that they weren't going to offer it after all?


  • AlphaOmega

    Bonnie_Clyde :

    It was anounced in the KM that it WOULD be the offer, but from posts made here, it seems that an anouncement from the platform was made to change the offer.

    Here is the December 2007 UK Kingdom Ministry text :

    • Literature offer for
    December: The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. As an alternative offer, you may use the book Draw Close to Jehovah.
    January: Any 192-page book published prior to 1991 and the Knowledge book if it is in stock in the congregation. If you do not have a supply of these books you may offer the brochure Keep on the Watch!
    February: Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? or The Secret of Family Happiness.

    March: What Does the Bible Really Teach? Make a diligent effort to start Bible studies.

    Here is the January 2008 UK Kingdom Ministry text :

    • Literature offer for

    January: Any 192-page book published prior to 1991 and the Knowledge book if it is in stock in the congregation. If you do not have a supply of these books you may offer the brochure Keep on the Watch!

    February: Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? or The Secret of Family Happiness.

    March: What Does the Bible Really Teach? Make a diligent effort to start Bible studies.

    April: The Watchtower and Awake! magazines. A special effort will be made to visit and start a Bible study with newly interested people who attended the Memorial and the special public talk but who are not actively associated with the congregation.
  • hamsterbait

    They don't want the witlesses reading this brochure because it no longer contains the "noolite"on the "generation".

    Within days of finishing the campaign, the February Witchtower will come out (in the mundane sense) and contradict the claims made in the brochure. How many will spot the contradiction? Especially now that the 1935 cut off for annointing has also been scrapped.

    They dont want the witlesses thinking. best to just bombard them with jehobaloney and hope they don't notice the craftily inserted footnotes in the litterature.


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