The demons in Paris and NYC - More sophisticated than the ones in Timbuktu?

by nvrgnbk 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    I drove through New Jersey once. I thought many parts were quite beautiful? Why does it always get such a bad rap?

  • SirNose586

    Has anyone read The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis? Great book, all about demons and tempting.

    I'd recommend it to a dub, but that would just set their imaginations aflame.

  • beksbks

    I have but one question. Sir Nose? Are you devoid of funk?

    Oh, I've thought many times of reading "The Screwtape Letters". But I have so little interest in anything bordering on christian these days.......Did you ever happen to read "A Divine Revelation of Hell" by Mary K. Baxter?

  • LouBelle

    Remember the JW concept ( maybe it's a Bible concept too) that different regions and nations are ruled by specific demons?

    really??? I did not know that - but now it makes perfect sense. South Africa must have the violent ones, or the ones that make presidents break out into rediculous dances. But then again they could be multi-coloured ones - we're the rainbow nation after all.

    I must have missed that demonology 101 at the kingdom hall.

  • myelaine


    "The idea is that Michael was detained in his mission by an angelic, albeit evil, Prince of Persia."... any of you know anything about this "cluster*&$#" ?

    just wondering...*mumble*

    love michelle

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