Will Smith and Scientology

by mavie 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • mavie

    Will Smith has gone off the deep end.

  • changeling

    Nooo, say it ain't so!


  • Paralipomenon

    wow. One too many sci-fi movies for the fresh prince I guess.

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    so what? he's just being tolerant.

  • watson

    Unless I missed something, he sounded fairly balanced. I better re read. It just sounded like he was defending his friend's right to believe what he wants. (No fan of scientology here)

  • lovelylil

    I saw him speak about this on an entertainment show the other night. He is not a scientologist but rather was defending his friend Tom Cruise's right to belong to whatever religion he chooses. Smith said he is a student of world religions but does not place one above the other. He sees good in all the religions but I did get the idea that he is Christian by the way he spoke. Lilly

  • worldtraveller

    I think he has missed most of his high school english classes. So many double negatives.

  • lovelylil

    He may not get an A for English but he surely gets one for his acting. I think he is an outstanding actor and a great person. He seems so peaceful with others around him and like a great family man. Kudos for Will! Lilly

  • UU Now
    UU Now

    I thought this was a good point:

    "How can I condemn someone for what they believe and I believe that God was born from a pregnant virgin?" Will queried.

    And funny, too.

  • SirNose586

    If it were a harmless belief, then fine, but how many people have had their entire savings drained from them, or their lives taken from them by this sick cult?

    Sorry Will. Looks like you'd better study what your friend Tom believes in more detail. Cruiser's charisma does not make him right.

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