anyone here have a thyroid condition?

by orbison11 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • *summer*

    I have a thyroid condition.

    Actually, I just returned from a doctor apointment this morning. After being stable for years, my thyroid is now going from hypo to hyper, then from hyper to hypo again. And it seems a little tricky right now to find just the right dosage of medication that will bring it back to normal.

    Any thyroid condition is something that has to be monitored by a doctor. And even if you have been on the same medication for years, it still needs to be checked at least once a year.

    Good luck to you...


  • Finally-Free

    I have an underactive thyroid and have been taking .3 mg levothyroxine for 20 years now. My mom had the same thing, as do my sister and my niece.


  • serendipity

    If you're eating tofu, you may consider skipping that. There are other foods besides soy that are goitrogenic:

    Avoid chlorinated water, drinking spring water or water filtered via reverse osmosis. You can also buy filters for your shower and tub that filters chlorine out. Also avoid fluoride in toothpaste and water.

    Chiropractors say that if the spine in the neck is out of alignment, that will affect thyroid functioning as well.

  • Elsewhere
    anyone here have a thyroid condition?

    Nope... but I do have a hemorrhoid condition. Does that count?

  • orbison11

    thank u all so much

    well i has a dtrs. apt today, but here in vancouver we had a bit of snow, so that pretty much stops the city lol

    have to wait another week or two now

    also i found out my daughter has a thyroid condition and is on meds for it

    so i prob do also



  • MsMcDucket

    My horror story. I had a multinodular goiter that was giving me breathing problems. I decided to have it removed. The doctor took most of the thyroid just leaving about a quarter of it. Anyway, the next day, I couldn't breathe because a hematoma had formed in the incision. I was about to strangle to death. Another doctor came in and pulled out the stitches at bedside! Blood gushed out like a geiser! To my husband horror! He could see my trachea. The doctor took me, bed and all back to the OR where he managed to intubate my bronchus causing a tension pneumothorax. I awoke in MICU and thought that I was still in surgery. They had me in 4 point leather restraints. I thought that they were going to operate on me while I was awake. But there was nothing I could do, I was intubated and in 4 point restraints. I got really frantic! Another nurse came in and gave me a medication that knocked me out. The next time I awoke, my family was at my bedside. My youngest daughter ran out of the room because she couldn't stand to see me that way.

    Anyway, the doctor had banged up my vocal cords bad. I ended up with a trach for about 4 months (I don't do time well. My husband remembers traumatic dates better than me.).

    melindawithtrach.jpg picture by Milkshakesrtasti

    My mother had the same surgery many years ago. Her thyroid regrew and crushed her windpipe, which cause anoxic brain damage; and lead to her death.

    The reason I tell this story is so that you'll get a GOOD head and neck surgeon and endocrinologist! Don't just get any surgeon or endocrinologist! Please don't!

    If there are spelling errors, it's because I can't spell! But I tried!

  • MsMcDucket

    My husband's father had a lump in his throat it turned out to be oat cell carcinoma that had spread from his lungs to his lymph nodes. He died from the cancer. He was in his 70's.

    My neice had a lump in her clavicle area. The doctors kept telling her it was just a "fatty lipoma". Turned out it was lymphoma and it had metastasized into her lung. She only has 6 weeks to 6 months to live. My neice is 22 years old.

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