Why I never say "run"

by jgnat 8 Replies latest social relationships

  • jgnat

    You might be wondering, when I respond to a lovelorn person in love with a Witness, why I never say "run"! Believe, me, I understand the huge personal cost when a non-witness gets seriously involved with a Witness. In my situation, I have a lot of mitigating factors that allow me to take greater risks. We won't be raising children together. I won't have to worry about losing a child to lack of blood or lack of familial affection. Hey, I'm working in year seven with very mixed results. Christmas is always a chore, when it should be a joy. There are so many things I am giving up, with very little hope of return.

    When I see someone who is DATING a Witness, and that Witness has consistently run back to their religion in fits of guilt, has NOT introducted their partner to their Witness family, and the couple are of childbearing age, I try and get the person to see the writing on the wall. While they - patiently - wait for their Witness love to come to their senses, they may lose the most fruitful period of their life. Also, nobody should ever give up their PERSONHOOD to become a Witness. They should never study in the hopes of winning their partners.

    So WHY DON'T I SAY RUN? Because those who are sick in love can't hear it. I sneak up to the concept by clarifying their choices, and by giving them a realistic picture of the immense EFFORT required to bring a Witness partner around. Are they ready to sacrifice many, many productive years for an uncertain outcome? Because at the end of the day, you can't force anyone OUT of their religion if they are firmly planted in their delusions.

    WHERE I WILL SUPPORT that superhuman effort, is when there is an established family. In that case, your partner and your children deserve your best efforts.

    I'll tell you a story that might help illustrate my gentle approach.

    I had a friend who was an au pair from Australia. While she was in this country, she became pregnant by a rape, and she decided to keep the baby. She badly wanted to stay in this country because of the opportunities, but our government was just as eager to send her home. Those of us who were supporting her and advising her were wondering if it might not be better for her to return as well. At home at least she had a mom waiting to support her in her early months. But the girl was adamant. She wanted to make it on her own.

    So I decided to support her in her decision. A single parent myself, I knew in detail the amount of effort that was needed. "All right", I said, "Let's make a list of the things you will need." She was an au pair you see, so she had room and board all covered while she was in Canada. That would all change when she had her baby. She would be completely on her own. I started with the kitchen and the utensils and cutlery. Then I talked about the staples to pack her pantry. The initial investment would be a bit, I explained, spices and such added up. I filled a page with the basic supplies she would need to strike on her own. She deflated. She took the list, and thanked me. Within weeks she had decided to fly home.

    So, instead of advising to "run"! I rather like to detail the amount of effort that is required. I get them to think about how long this is all going to take. Especially if the object of their desire has ALREADY REJECTED THEM, I remind them that they have to respect their wishes. We all have that free will, after all. We shouldn't manipulate people in to choices that they wouldn't make on their own.

    So if you are going to advise, "run"!, tell the poor person why. Give details of your personal experience. Make sure they understand the depth of the consequences once the rosy colored glasses come off.

  • brinjen

    Excellent post jgnat, and point taken.

  • primitivegenius

    yeah excellent point................. always helps them to see reality quickly by the cost.

    i knew a brother who was trying to date via internet someone around the world from him............ he realized that it would take at least 10,000 dollars in plane tickets back and forth, before they could meet........... and that wasnt counting any dates or courtship....... or GASP a wedding.

    apparently love didnt prevail lol... then again........ he didnt really know her anyways lol

  • -Tank

    Excellent post!!

    Very helpful to me as it basically pertains almost exactly to my current situation.

  • carla

    I think people have been fair about why 'run'. When the thread has 3,4 or more pages of why and what life is like as a jw or being involved with one I think they get a pretty fair picture so the few posts who simply state run are putting in their two cents and everything has already been said why beat the dead horse? They are just saying, 'hear, hear!' I agree'. The non jw can never fully understand until they live it, the jw born in can never fully understand because they are at times not even aware of the subtle nuances that remain of jwism in their own lives and posts. Sometimes the simple answer is all that is needed, they will never see until they really start to research anyway. And just like every single person without exception I have seen post about being involved with a jw they think 'they' will be different, their love is stonger, fundamentally better, whatever. Nobody wants to believe the person they love and who they are willing to spend a lifetime with will choose a cult over them, their children, parents, and friends.

    The human wreckage stories abound in this cult, how could you tell anyone anything different than run? Lay it out for them and they will make their own decision anyway. One woman I met when all this first started did sound a bit harsh and of course I thought things would be different with my jw. It was a kindness, her telling me the harsh ugly truth of jws so when things came up it wasn't a total surprise, a surprise that my jw would make certain choices but then he is a jw how can he decide anything different? He chooses to put a man made org before everything else in life, God, wife, children, and life itself. I truly would not wish jwism on anybody and certainly not on unborn children yet to be.

    People forget this involves generations not just our immediate time and life. Family histories are changed forever in a blink of an elders eye, medical histories are lost, relationships are lost forever and the knowledge of human beings that are our blood relatives is forever gone to future generations. The wt & jw's are evil to the core, I could not tell someone anything other than run as if your life depends on it because it actuallly could and does. Just ask that 14 yr old from Seattle, oh, that's right you can't ask him anymore can you?

  • jgnat

    If you are going to tell someone to run, tell them why!

    It's like my daughter trying to tell me that aspartame is bad for me. She better darn well provide some convincing evidence, because I love my diet pop!

  • Gringa

    Great post, Carla.

    We all have our own style and thank you, too, jnat for giving your opinion.

    Sometimes a person needs a slap in the face, Dr. Phil style. All the pussy footing is ok, but I do think a number of people need a wake-up call. Look, they already know there are problems or why would they be posting here asking for help and advice?

    I say Run and I give my 2 cents at the same time - either they get it or they don't.

  • dawg

    Let me not the marriage of true minds

    Admit impedements, love is not love

    Which alters, when it alteration finds

    Or bends with the remover to remove

    Oh no, it's an ever fixed mark

    that looks on tempests and is never shaken

    it is the star to every ever wandering bark

    who's worth's unknown, althought it's hight be taken

    Love's not time's fool, thought rosey lips and cheeks

    within his bending sickles compass come

    Love alters not with his breif hours and weeks

    Bears it out even to the edge of doom

    if this be error and upon me proved

    I never writ, nor no man ever loved...... Shakespere.....

    Is that what you're trying to say?? Huff

  • R.Crusoe

    Which is quite right Dawg and probably why those who gave it true and full to the WT find it so hard to break! Good points Carla and jgnat. These three knives of reason (D,C&J) remove tumors of fog which reveal the soul to see itself! I enjoyed the visit!

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