CoCo: 666 is 333

by JK666 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • JK666

    I just happened to look today, and this is what I found:

    Membership3 y 3 m 3 d

    Since 27-Aug-04 00:25

    I remember that a few months back, I asked CoCo, the official keeper of numbers on JWD, to reserve for me 3 random lowest common denominators. I liked them because they represented the IQ's of the dorks on my judicial committee. He was supposed to be checking to see if this was possible.

    Alas, I have heard nothing back yet!

    I was just having fun with numerology today, because everyone seems to think I am an @$$hole when I play games on this forum.

    Please respond quickly CoCo, I am on pins and needles waiting for your response! (By the way, pins and needles are sharp and they hurt!)


  • brinjen


  • changeling

    I don't think you're an a--hole.



    A friend of mine called me yesterday and told me he found a shirt for me.

    On the front it says :

    3 3 3

    On the back it says:

    I'm only HALF as BAD

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    It's a sign.

    The end is near!


    Where's OBVES when we really need him?

  • JK666


    You get 333 because you are half bad? That reminds me of the game, where you thought I was twice as bad as you!



    John - this reminds me of the game too. I was torn between the following as I am now:

    Do I ignore the fact that you can't let go or do I defend myself against what you say?

    I posted on your thread to try to promote peace, once again offering an olive branch. I'm sorry you didn't see it that way. You have to take another dig at me because you believe I was "just as bad as you" in the game.

    I've sent text messages and pm's asking if we can please just move on.You carried it into the next game and also this thread. You can't let go.

    You claimed to feel bad about hurting me, therefore you didn't want to play anymore. It would have hurt me less if you had moved on and played the game in a light hearted way. The way games are meant to be played. I asked you to do that more than once.

    Post anything you want. I'm done trying to get through to you that it's time to move on. Think whatever you want about me. Maybe you are just trying to be funny but to me it is holding a grudge.

    I have had enough fun and I won't comment on this situation again.

  • JK666


    I posted this thread as fluff, a diversion. It was intended for CoCo, not aimed at anyone on the game thread. I was not whining about the game, it was just an anecdote. After all, It is only a game.

    You did not post on this thread to promote peace, you posted here to stir up crap and play a martyr.

    I did not go into histrionics as you did on the game thread. For someone to be as supposedly shaken as you claimed to be, within a couple of hours it was as if nothing had happened. WTF?

    Yeah, you PM'ed me, apologizing while telling me I was too rough on you. If that is an apology, I think I would rather be cussed out.

    If you recall, I called you the first day of the game when things were heating up, and in our conversation you gave me no indication that there was a problem. You were the one that taught me to play the game aggresively. You came after me with both barrels in the first game. I found it funny! I enjoyed playing, and that's why I thought I would do it again this time.

    I tried to call you after your meltdown to see if you were alright. I was available to talk last night if you wanted to, but apparantly you did not. You would rather take cheap shots at me in PM's, text messages, and here so that you can garner sympathy.

    I really do not understand. I thought that we were friends. Heck, I even baked you cheesecake!

    There is a reason I stayed away from the game this time. I explained it to Jackie like this:

    MessageThank you for pulling me out of the game. This is the first I have been online since posting earlier on the new game. I didn't know that I would be included in this one without signing up again. I apologize if that made things worse for you!

    This game means a lot more to others in JWD that it does to me. Apparently I upset Xxxxx, and she seems to live for playing it. So I will not be playing anymore so as not to ruin her fun. I am not upset or anything, I just feel bad that I hurt her feelings.

    What I do not understand is why people get upset. I mean IT IS A GAME. And it is also a VIOLENT game. People get killed right and left. Everything is make believe, so why should anyone take this stuff personal? Xxxxx and I have met and are friends in real life, and I would have assumed that she would have called me if she were really upset about my comments. I thought that her complaining was part of her strategy to take the heat off of her in the game. Some people take this way too seriously!

    Anyway, thanks for your help, and I hope this game goes well for everyone!

  • FadingAway
    because everyone seems to think I am an @$$hole when I play games on this forum.

    Not me....

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