The Conspiricy

by nomoreguilt 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • nomoreguilt

    At what point in the upward movement of say, a brother being made an elder, being made a CO and upward, is he educated in the actual conspiracy of the borg? The end result of $$$$ coming in.

  • jaguarbass

    At what point in the upward movement of say, a brother being made an elder, being made a CO and upward, is he educated in the actual conspiracy of the borg? The end result of $$$$ coming in.

    My thoughts are never. Someone who is elder material is a sheep. Sheep have the reputation of being very stupid animals. People dont generally grow more brains or become more inquisitive in adulthood. Joining the Wactower cult is just a dark alley of life that some of us have gone down for one reason or another. I personally have a hard time believing it started out as a conspiracy or even is a conspiracy today. Its a lot of stupid people that went far down a dark road and are functioning in the darkness. I dont want to seem arrogant but to me stupid people are company men that dont question authority. So I guess anyone who doesnt have a rebellious satanic spirit,which I have always been accused of having could appear to be stupid to me. Even in life outside the wactower, people get in troulbe for going blindly along and following orders. Authority has to be questioned at every turn and corner. Or a person can loose his life or freedom in all areas and aspects of life. Many Christians, bible thumpers, JW's have the spirit or attitude. If its in the bible thats good enough for me. If Jesus said it thats good enough for me. If the brothers at bethel, the faithful and discreet slave said it, thats good enough for me. Many biblical people do not want to be responsible for thinking about the deep things of this life. They want someone else to do it for them. So their organizations become militaristic beuaracracys with each higher rank getting subjection from the under ranks all the way to the top. And nobody thought or used their brain power from the bottom to the top they just rise to the top, when an opening appeared. A hole shxtload of yes men. Maybe this is a form of deevolution. At least that's how I see it with the wac tower. Now if you take a bright smart person who was never a witness, There is a vibe out in the world, L. Ron Hubbard, for one, put it in writing,"A person could make a million dollars by starting a religion" And there are many variations on that theme. I think if one wanted to make money off religion, just about any road and dogma would be more profitable than joining the Wactower socitey. Telvevangalism, radio ministries, all the different flavors of baptist, pentacostals etc would be more profitable than the wactower route. Just watch the news or read the papper, Every week you can see some religious person getting introuble for fleecing the sheep. Thats business. The bible was written so the priest class could extort 10% from the sheep they have gathered in their corral. Some people go into business to be priest. Some become firemen, some become cops, bankers. And people with no education at all, stumble down Wactower Blvd. I dont see it as a conspiracy, just a poorly lit back alley jamed with people who have willingly put blinders on their eyes. Thats one take on the reality. Then amidst all the greed and corruption, a number of innocent childlike people get sucked in. Wait a minute, I think I just described a human sheep. Back to the top. But lets say a 40 year old circuit servant or bethalite has a moment of clarity and sees the writing on the wall, Do you expect them to give up their cushy exhistence so they can reveal to you that an old man is behind the curtain when you follow the yellow brick road to oz?

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