List of childhood simple pleasures...

by avishai 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • ex-nj-jw

    Summertime - climbing the fence at my old elementary school and playing kick ball


  • alamb

    Going in service and peeking in houses to see Christmas lights...and sneaking peeks of the lights on the houses on the way to meeting.

    Grandma's lap. Grandpa's truck and cigar. The smell of super-balls from the machine and back to school shopping at Kings.

  • R.F.

    Climbing the apple tree with my siblings at the place I lived during most of my childhood.

    Also, when my ride my bike with my little brother sitting on the handle bars. We would ride to the store down the street to get candy. That was some hard riding, but it was fun.

    ....the memories....


  • kerj2leev

    Flashlight tag

    Ghost in the Graveyard

    Swimming all day at the lake


  • Abandoned

    My favorite activity as a kid was to play in my sand box. Especially when dad was able to get us some of the "white" sand. It was soft as silk and so much cooler than the yellow stuff. :-)

  • misanthropic

    camping, fishing, swimming in the creek.
    Playing in a desert wash for hours with my brother and sister- pretending it was a magical place.
    Family bike rides around town then to get ice cream.
    My mom rocking me for hours when I'd get sick...

  • ninja

    peeing in a milk bottle....leaning it against a neighbours door ....then knock the door and run away

  • snowbird

    Ninja, you're so bad.

    Oh, I forgot to mention picking blackberries and eating them until I was all purple

    Going to the pecan orchard and filling sacks with those delectable things

    Reading by lamplight until I fell asleep

    Coming home from school to a supper of pinto beans, pig tails, and baked sweet potatoes

    Getting to school early to start a fire in the woodburning stove so it would be cozy when Teacher arrived

    Having my big brother read the Bible to me

    Eating tomatoes/peaches/pears right from the branches

    Enough for now.


  • avishai

    Dirt clod fights!!!

  • BFD

    Playing stoop ball

    Kick the can

    Riding the tire swing

    Cowboys and Indians

    Climbing trees

    Catching honey bees in a jar

    Hiking along the creek

    Riding my bike everywhere (I built it from scraps from the junk yard)

    The smell of my dad lighting a cigarette in the car

    Thanks for the walk down memory lane, avi.


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