What have/will you buy others for Christmas?

by reneeisorym 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • reneeisorym

    I still find it interesting at what people give for Christmas. I'm also still trying to figure out what "normal" is for presents. So tell me -- what have you bought for friends and family? (assuming the recipient doesn't post!)

  • momzcrazy

    This is my first year, so expense was a consideration.

    I got my sister and her girlfriend cool ornaments for their first tree.

    My hubby's secretaries got candles and poinsettia votives from Yankee.

    And our two neighbor friends got ceramic candle holders and candles.

    Our babysitters got Bath and Body Works stuff.

    Purplesofa is drawing pictures for the kids on my list.

    I got hubby a titanium wedding ring. And maybe some RayBans.

    My girls got jewelry boxes and cd's and dvd's.

    And lots of toys for the 3 two yr olds.

    That's it so far.

    What are you getting?

    momzSanta Checking His List

  • ex-nj-jw

    My extended family (hubby's side) we only give gifts to the kids under 10, over 10 we have them exchange names so no one is left out and the adults just enjoy being together. He has a large family and it would be impossible to give to them all. My family is also very large but most just don't celebrate it, I guess it's left over JW crap that keeps them from doing it. But I always send them XMAS cards.

    My kids are 19 and 17 and they both work and buy all their own gadgets and they have plenty. So I have no idea what to get them and when I ask they say "nutt'n really". I would like to get my youngest son tickets to a NY Yankees game, and the 19 year old I'm just clueless. Hubby is gett'n a golf trip for two, his choice of whom he takes (I don't really want to go).

    I'm buying 2 of my coworkers tree ornaments (we do this every year), my best best friend will get a gift certificate for a 1 hour hot stone massage, my best friend will get something to decorate her new apartment (she's moving in on the 17th)

    Other than that I'm sure some last minute thing will pop into my head for someone.


  • bite me
    bite me

    buying for others is so great. I love the feeling I get when I see the persons face light up with excitement especially that of a child. I don't know what it would be like not to have christmas, but I know I would probably hate it. I dont really care what I get, as long as it comes from the persons heart.

    Gift cards are nice, but then it takes the fun out of buying for someone. But then, they can buy what they want and you will know for sure they will have exactly what they want.

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