by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    and not the pedophiles themselves. . .

    I'm noticing a trend here: those who have spread the NBC video (etc) around to witnesses are getting slammed for talking about it.

    Are we more dangerous to JWs for talking aboutthese child rapists than the child rapists actually are? If JWs' way of life is more important to them than the safety of their children, then the answer is yes.

  • zeroday

    Darkness hates light...it will quell it at all costs...pull back the curtain and let the light shine for all to see and what was precived as light is nothing but evil...

  • purplesofa

    I found this interesting

    My apologies for assuming that he was a brother. I seem to expect that
    all on the lists are true JW's. His thought though I believe is a valid

    Glad you were alert XXXXXXXX.

    Agape ,


    ===(admin notes: Well he is gone now. He infiltrated, and he will not be the last in doing so... As with all things Internet entails a risk, so does driving your car)
    Regarding my previous post, I want to state my case, then you decide for yourself about me. Never did I ever intend to call anyone an apostate, either stated nor implied. To do so would be judging a person and it would be stepping into Jehovah's shoes and I just ain't that bold. I merely told the brother about what apostates do. He could analyze himself and determined if he was in danger or not. I was in hopes that the brother would adjust himself in what I percieved as his attitude, if it needed adjusting. When one makes personal statements publicly, we should always give close attention to ourself and our verbage so others do not get wrong ideas. Obviously I did. Quite possibly others did also.

    My previous post was meant to be strong and very direct, based on the brother's post. I was led to understand that, on a public forum, he challenged anyone to accuse him of being an apostate, while he voiced an opinion that I felt was not appropriate, that challenged the society's authority as Jehovah's organization on this matter of pedophillia. On reflection, I know I should have been a bit gentler and kind in my response, and I should have checked it out more in that I don't know the brother. I apologize if anyone became offended as it was not my intention to offend. I realized that he wouldn't like what I said but I called it as I saw it!! Tell me, did Phinneas soft-pedal his stand when he pinned the two fornicators to the earth, when he turned Jehovah's rage back from Israel. Do you suppose some felt he over-reacted and maybe became offended? He did a very overt act but in doing so, he won Jehovah's favor. I hope that also happens in my case but I'm not worried about that. What I am worried about is to motivate the brother to consider how he came across to others on this forum. If I misunderstood, it is likely that others did too. Also, how many persons do you think could have been stumbled over this comment. There was no consideration given for this. When one stands for righteousness as was my only intention, one would not think it to be offensive to honest hearted ones. I could be wrong in my approach but my motivation was right. I'm willing to be corrected if anyone thinks I need it.

    Today's Watchtower comments in paragraph 2 on page 26, our study article states, ..."Being caught by him (the birdcatcher) would mean our spiritual ruin and could lead to our ultimate destruction. Hence, for our protection, we need to identify various schemes of the birdcatcher." 2 Timothy 2:26 is referred to and it states: ... 25 "instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed; as perhaps God may give them repentance leading to an accurate knowledge of truth, 26 and they may come back to their proper senses out from the snare of the Devil, seeing that they have been caught alive by him for the will of that one."
    Brothers, THIS IS A XXXXXXXXXXXXX and as brothers we must be on guard always, from in front of us or in the back, about what we post and our emotion in connection to issues that the Society has already handled. To run ahead, even in our thoughts, is very subtly promoting a stand against Jehovah's arrangement. Hence, my post was for the protection of onlookers and as a strong but kindly reminder to the brother that it is possible that he is in danger of the birdcatcher.

    The person who posted this response was appearantly offended, by my comments especially. However, I do not feel my post was inappropriate nor offensive, if it is thought about and you consider what I stated above. I will stand in for Jehovah at every opportunity I can. Even so, I very humbly apologize for upsetting you or others and will make all future posts with good taste and positively motivated. I promise!
  • WTNightmare00

    The way I see it, if "active" JW's are "chronically complaining", I say let them go ahead. As for myself, I want to commend Barbara Anderson in her hard work, and I am sure I am not alone in praising her for her efforts! Thank you, Barbara Anderson!!

  • dawg

    The thing that kills me about these people the most is that they confuse God with a man made organization. Then they defend pedophiles and call that righteous. God they are truly idiots

  • Scully

    This is a common deflection tactic, it's called shooting the messenger.

    It basically makes a scapegoat of the one vocalizing the problem - as long as nobody talks about it, everything is just fine!!

    The JWs like to say that those who expose pedophiles in the organization are Bringing Reproach on Jehovahâ„¢ - they seem to conveniently ignore the fact that the child molesters are the ones causing the Reproach on Jehovahâ„¢ in the first place.

  • ninja

    keep shining the light on them.....watch the cockroaches run for cover.....scuttle scuttle

  • flipper

    The answer is NO . We are not more dangerous to JW's for talking about their child rapists . As Scully quite aptly put , yes the witnesses are " shooting the messenger " here . Well that's their problem to deal with, bevause people in their organization caused the problem in the first place. Do you think we are just going to sit and be quiet about what's on the national news !? I for one, am not going to stay silent about an organization that allows crime which hurts children . Witnesses and non-witnesses are going to continue hearing about it from me, I guarantee it ! Until more rats are flushed from their organization . Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • martinwellborne

    Could hardly agree more. MW

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    They really are welcome to their paedophile paradise - let them enjoy it.

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