Any fans of E.R?

by The Nothing Man 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Nothing Man
  • zeroday

    I watched it for years till it became a boinkfest...then it just became a soap...

  • AudeSapere

    I used to really enjoy it but pretty much stopped watching it about a year ago.

    Why do you ask?


  • worldtraveller

    The orininal years were very good. I liked it the most when Dr. Ross got in so much trouble. The 2 nurses were hot too. The last year I watched it faithfully was when Dr. Green got faceplanted in the bathroom. I think Noah Wiley got stabbed somewhere I think as well. I forget. Definitely downhill in the last 4 years or so.

  • The Nothing Man
    The Nothing Man

    I just think it's got really good again. I agree with the notion it has become a bit of a soap, but I still think it's great. I have been watching the new series (I know, I'm in the UK) and the episodes are great. ER is actually one of the only things I bother to watch these days.

    I just need help identifying some music which was on there, although I need to rip the music and it will take me all night.

  • Scully

    The only reason I watch medical shows any more is to look for errors in practice.

    I pretty much gave up on ER after Dr Greene died, although I thought it was wicked cool that @$$hole Dr Romano got his arm amputated by a helicopter, and then he got taken out by another one later on when it crash landed on top of him.

  • The Nothing Man
    The Nothing Man

    Oh Romano was some character, wasn't he? Listen to me, I'm talking like it's real. It's all illusions man!

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee


    Do you find many mistakes in a show like ER?

    I used to watch it regularly, now I don't watch much TV at all, I've seen maybe two episodes this fall.


  • JK666



  • calico

    Yes--I rarely miss the show--but I, too, don't think it's as good as it used to be!

    What they did to Romano was pretty funny!

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