what me worry?

by rekless 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • rekless

    I've waisted 35 years of my life. I sit here and listen to a bunch of people that are fighting the WTBTS. Ken has all kind of stuff proving the demonization of the WTBTS and we waste our time trying to convince the dead heads that the org. is screwing the great harlot. Hahahahahahahah Do you know how long 35 years are?
    I want to cry. Maybe one more drink and I will. May god .... fill in the blanks... make your prayers ..............I am sooooooo tired of beating my head against the wall, being shunned by a daughter that has her heaD UP HER .... THAT TEACHES MY GRAND CHILDREN, HER CHILDREN THAT i AM NOT WORTHY OF A RESPONSE... i GUESS ALL i CAN SAY iM TAUGHT THEM WELL.

    THE Reck

  • waiting

    Howdy Rekless,

    I personally find Mondays suck. Perhaps you feel the same? I'm sorry about your frustration - caught the word "daughter" and being "shunned." Nasty combination.

    I know there are several persons here who are shunned by their children, and grandchildren. They invariably speak of the pain of it, and the unfairness.

    I'm sorry for your misery. And I send my best wishes.

    Take care.


  • bluesapphire

    Have you ever thought about going back? I mean getting reinstated so as to have contact with your family again? Perhaps you can go back in and ultimately save your grandchildren. I don't know. It's just a thought. You seem depressed. I have thought of going back just to get my sister out. But I haven't reached that point yet.

  • rekless

    i would rather become an unich than go back. cut my testicals off please. No, I will never subcumm to that organization again.

    My prayer is that the deaf, dumb, and blind will join me in escape...
    My mind is alive my soul breathes freedom, but my eyes cry for the ignorance I once taught to my family.

    dan walker of Clearlake, Ca.ex elder ex witness ,

    bouth, truth and thorns hurt

  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    Hi Rekless,

    Sorry for your pain. I wish I knew the magic words to make it all go away.

    You will find friends here. Just keep talking.

    35 years is a long time. For some of my family its been 50 years and they are still in there. To be waiting on the come for 50 years is a long time. At least I see them for what they are and am not trapped like some of my family are. You also see them for what they are. At least you didn't waste your whole life on it. Sorry your kid is behaving so badly towards you. Your Grand kids are just pauns in the game.

    I guess you have two choices....Go back...or try to rise above this hurt and keep going. You still have some living to do and the choices are yours.

    minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.

  • rekless


  • DannyBear


    The irony of being cut off from your family for so long, is the fact that you come to the realization that there were really very few of them (family members) that you really/truly miss anyway. Sounds cold I know, but it has developed that way for me.

    Even my own daughter's schooled so well in WTThink have grown somewhat repulsive to me, sure they had a hard time dealing with my departure from the religion, but for them to show the utter disdain, complete disregard for my choices, my decisions, requests, feelings..has been just enough evidence for me, to conclude that they will never see things as I do.

    If they, and the rest of my family, ever wake up to the reality that they have been living life under the absolute control of a mind warping cult....there may be a chance for a real reconciliation...but until that happens, if ever at all, it is a fruitless and emotional draining experiece to wish it otherwise.

    Out of my entire extensive family...I miss everyday, just one of my three sister's. She is probably the most level headed, kind, reality based individuals, I have ever come in contact with. Her actions, her manners, have always bespoke someone who really understands the human condition...beyond WThink. I love her for always being there for me and the rest of my totally dysfunctional family members. She is the only one I can truthfuly say has met the standards of being a 'christian' as outlined in the Bible. Since one of my other sister's is the wife of a DO, been a regular pioneer since dirt, and devoted probably untold thousands of hours in service, she can not even come close to meeting the standards set by my 'favorite'.

    That being said....maybe you should evaluate how much you really want to be exposed, to they're hypocritical, judgemental personalities, whacko social edicts anymore in the first place? I have. Until they wake up they can stay asleep, for all I care.

    I to spent some 34 yrs in the grasp of the org. Tried to jump through all the hoops, a good society man in every way. So I've been where you've been, hope your destination turns out a better place to be.


  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    Good evening Rekless: I haven't been JWs, never... I have one daughter there, another one out. The rest of my kids: six daughters and two sons, never joined thank God. Otherwise, it would be more difficult for me to bare the pain it causes me to have one still in. Never the less, I just want to tell you: "never give up hope". We are united here by some kind of pain, some thorns... and when we share them with others becomes somewhat less painful. I wish I can feel and carry your burden: I feel it, but only on my imagination, cause I haven't experience what you are going on at this moment. I like to tell you 'time is our best friend'. Please consider how many friends here are willing to give you a hand by consoling your acking heart and by it, hopefully someday you may find out it got lighter. Love and prayers,

    Yadira Angelini

  • Mazza

    Reckless, To be honest most of the stuff on here doesn't interest me. Some of us feel things more accutely than others and some of us have ways of telling ourselves that it's alright - I've been dealing with being d'fd for 20 yrs - I've tried em' all.. It's only my siblings and relatives that shun me as my parents refused to do as they were told (and they sure paid for it by being "marked" by the congregaton). I go thru periods where it gets me down unutterably. The idiocy of it all is beyond description. That's why a lot of what is said here doesn't interest me - it doesn't help. It just doesn't touch the spot where it hurts! All this ranting and raving about what needs to be done to make the WTS viable. Sheesh - it's like asking what might be done to help Osama bin Larden like Americans. But then I have to appreciate that others are at different places to me and they need to hash and rehash this stuff. Stuff I think is utterly pointless. There is nothing that can be done to fix the Tower - it's sick from the foundation up!

    Anything that can destroy family relationships to the degree that this Organisation has is sicko big time. The one thing in this world that gives us true happiness and joy is our family. Hey I think even cold blooded murderers have the right to be loved by their family - even though they are pushing their luck! Family should be everything to us.

    I'm feeling a bit raw at the moment too, because I've just had some contact with my jw brother and it's demonstrated to me yet again how unbelievably cruel and painful their "loving" arrangment is. The event is one I'm not prepared to talk about here, but it's enough to make me sympathise with you more than you can know.


  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    Hi again Rekless,

    I wondered back to this thread after a day just to see if you had made any more posts and I read Dannybear's post.

    ************************The irony of being cut off from your family for so long, is the fact that you come to the realization that there were really very few of them (family members) that you really/truly miss anyway. Sounds cold I know, but it has developed that way for me.***********************

    Thats kinda how its become for me. My witness side of the family decided to shun me only because I wasn't a witness (I had done nothing morally or legally wrong). I always felt so bad about that. Not bad enough to become one, but bad. About a years ago my JW brother got in touch with me concerning a family matter. He inclosed his email address and I answered him concerning this matter. After that the rest of my JW side of the family came out of the woodwork. I was receiving email from family I hadn't heard from in years. I answered politely back but all the feelings of love were gone. They were strangers. Sad huh? I can only wonder why at this point in time they were getting in touch with me. "New light" perhaps? As if I care now! The one good thing that came from it all is that I realize NOW how lucky I had been all these years to have not fallin into the grasp of the borg. I come to this board to try to understand and learn from other peoples experiences. I've learned alot.

    I've learned in my life's experiences that there are no answers to some questions and some things can't be fixed. In the end you can only truly save yourself. I hope for your sake that your Daughter will someday see the borg for what it is, but you can't live your life on that premise.

    I send you a hug because obviously you need one.

    Your friend,

    minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.

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