Apostate Presence Rattles World Conference on Religion

by SickofLies 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mentalclearness

    That would have been an interesting conference to attend by far...I remember speaking to a friend who has children like me about how children of atheists are taught to look down upon believers. You see it is another belief system, just like a religion and there is alot of intelorance being taught as well. My friends father in law is extremely anti catholic (of course we live in a Catholic majority country) and voices his opinion on them quite frequently much to the dismay of my friend who is catholic. I think TRygon summed it up quite well. It's a respect issue. The fact that many Atheist speak about intolerance is kind of funny because I know so many cocky intolerant atheists....I love them but they are what they are...

  • KW13

    SickofLies - Nice to see you mate! been a while since the below eh? http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/112616/1.ashx

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    it's a common misconception that atheism is a belief system. it's not. being an atheist simply means, not believing in supernatural beings. nothing less, nothing more. there is no ideology involved.

    a growing number of humanists feel the need to open their mouths, because all hard and long fought for liberties are endangered by religious fundamentalists. i'm not saying "all religious people are the same" or "all christians are preachy". neither are atheists.

    liberal theists should actually join the humanists on their mission. it's pretty clear what happens when religion takes control over governments. you can see that in the middle east, you can see that in several african countries and you can see it in the US.

    and even if it wasn't about laicité, children should learn real science in school, not some hocus-pocus. how'd you feel if your children learned the flat earth as a fact. may sound funny, but this is not the middle ages anymore.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I think Southpark summed it up the best. If the whole world was atheist you would have factions of different atheist trying to claim they had the correct view of atheism and probably killing each other for it. It's human. If your truly about being a human and nothing else why label yourself? I do think it is good that you were able to speak there and most of the people seemed to keep an open mind.

  • Sunnygal41
    and may natural selection favour you all

    and, may the force be with you, young Luke!

    Sorry, couldn't resist.............my congratulations on your right to free speech! did a great job!

  • SickofLies

    It's nice to see some of my old friends on here again. It has indeed been a while, that's why I wanted to reach out and get some of the ex-witnesses here involved and try and create a sense of fun and adventure on the board. I really wanted this topic to be about the experience I had and to let people know that we had a great time. I'm hoping to recruit more people to come to events like these in the future. It's a great to be able to get together with people that have gone through the same thing you have.

    I would like to request that all the 'atheist bashers' refrain from posting in this thread as I did not create this thread to start a debate. However, if you would like to debate or disagree with me I created a topic called Opinion Piece on Atheists that you can go to and insult me by saying I'm just like a JW if you like.

    I will respond to any arguments in that thread, but I ask people to use their common sense when posting, after all if someone gave an experience of going to another church as I've seen many time you would not jump all over them and tell them they have become just like a JW. It would be nice to see a little more tolerance on this board.

  • IT Support
    IT Support


    Great experience, well done.

    How about posting the full text of your speech?

    I'm sure most of us would find it very interesting!

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    Sick of Lies; nice work. I know you for honesty and holding no punches. unlike 90% of the posters here you have balls. you walk the walk. john

  • SickofLies

    Hey Johnny, long time!

    As far as posting my speech goes it is being published for free on-line and will be up shortly, I will post the link when it is ready.

    It's just to bad I can post parts of the after party Kwin, mincan and myself had when the event was over, that really was the best part. We had the best atheist pizza ever.

  • Happy Harvester

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