Pedophile in the hall

by martinwellborne 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • MsMcDucket

    What gets me is that many people think that because pedophiles or "Christian" they are better than me. Life is strange.

  • SirNose586

    When I confronted the elders about my issues with their pedophile problem, they did their darndest to make the 2-witness rule look like the greatest thing ever, but when I brought up the fact that you need to report it to the police, it was as if they didn't even hear what I just said.

    It's important to realize that the WT society views child molestation as a sin, and not a crime. Only then can you understand the effed-up policy in place now.

    Edit: I read that important distinction from Barbara Anderson's CD, "Pedophelia in an American Religion." Google it and buy a copy. You'll be disturbed at what you find....

  • Warlock

    Sorry, I don't buy your story.


  • martinwellborne

    He has served time in jail, he is now out with two elders either side of him at the meetings, but i dont think he should ever be allowed anywhere near the place again. i feel so angry about it, p.s. you believe what you like mr skeleton. MW.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Hello Martin - do 'they' know that he's the reason you're not going back? Perps should not be allowed in places where children are present - just my opinion.

  • justhuman

    shame isn't it...and they supposed to be God's chosen people

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Sorry, I don't buy your story.


    Why not Warlock?

  • Trygon

    Stupid JWs and their child abuse. Well at least it will eventually go from paedophile in the hall to paedophile in the Hell. Though from what I know those two things are quite simlar.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    So even though two elders sit next too him and I suppose everyone knows he is a pedophile, this isn't enough? I have a problem with them hiding and shielding pedos but it sounds like they are doing neither in this case. Your rushing to judgment when there really is no reason to.

  • martinwellborne

    No, I don't think I am rushing to judge him, society has already done that saying he has paid his penance and he is back on the streets and going to the hall. But on reading on this website elsewhere that he will be allowed to go from door to door again, when the elders say so, makes me angry. As has been pointed out something is wrong with the pedo policy. Also mr warlock thanks! i suppose this is what it feels like for abused children when nobody believes them!

    All that aside I am no longer going to the hall and i suppose this latest problem is the latest in a long line of issues I have had with the witnesses over a number of years. One I found I could not live like the "shiny happy people", i liked beer (still do), i liked music that i was supposed to burn (i aint burning it), i made up my own mind on stuff (not party line), i gave up the ministerial-slave bit as i was getting 'ab'-used , then my witness life was like a pendulum, gave talks in the ministry school, stopped giving talks, started giving talks again, my sister left the truth, my cousin left and I have had a lot of friends leave the "truth" thro disfellowshipping or because of divorces etc and i did not think they had been fairly treated. I have also found that i don't really know any of the people as well as i thought i did, even the brother that studied with me. anyway i am glad i had a life before i joined the witnesses and i am able to try to get a "normal" life again. finding it hard to stop imagining "its the end of the world as we know it". anyway thanks for listening MB.

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