I dedicate this video to Brother Apostate, and Vinny

by 5go 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    Only a truly deluded person would think they "can read an agenda" from a fluff thread asking an opinion on 3 questions. Those three questions were answered the way most Christians would, and what do you "read into it"? The meaningless drivel of a bigot.

    Are you denying that the questions that you answered and that I quote above reflect your views on the Bible and your version of Christianity?

    As an aside, you are quite wrong in suggesting that your answers are those that would typically come from a Christian, but I will leave the Christians who have moved on from the WTS version of Christianity on the Board to further enlighten your befuddled brain. Your theology is not the only theology, despite the fact that you learned all you know about this from the WTS. ;)

    The "black and white" us versus them" mentality that HS displays on every post discussing religion, belief in God, evolution, etc, reveals an ingrained JW view of the world. No room for "not sure", "don’t know", HS "knows everything." Only "his way" is the "right way", spewing out hatred of all who don’t believe as he does, as well as continually using logical fallacies and lies in his posts.

    Now, we shall see who is blustering and lying shall we? Name one logical fallacy, and one lie that I have written on this thread.

    Your intellectual dishonesty is now a matter of public record, one need only check your past posts. It is shown in highlight by your consistent refusal to back your statements with any evidence, and your refusal to debate issues on which you pontificate at boribg length like some greasy Circuit Overseer who has lived too long uttering statements without having them challenged. ;)

    Well, shovelling turds is not on my agenda for this week, and I am moving on from this thread. If you wish to rise to the challenge regarding the YEC statements that you have made elsewhere on this Board, I am always ready for a creation/evolution debate with you. I doubt very much whether you could do much better than the "Evolution" book alllows, but who know, you may surprise. ;)

    For the record, I am not an "angry atheist" I am just much brighter than you are, which I suspect in your wee mind translates into the same thing.


  • fifi40


    'Angry Apostate' is a term BA latched onto from another thread, although it seems he missed entirely the point of that thread........

    Fi. Wondering if BA is capable of independant thought.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    Now, we shall see who is blustering and lying shall we? Name one logical fallacy, and one lie that I have written on this thread.

    One logical fallacy: Straw man-

    " Your Young Earth Creationist stance on the earths early history"

    Create a caricature, or straw man, of BA, then challenge BA on a stance BA hasn’t taken.

    However, I could add thousands of ad hominem variants

    "despite the fact that you learned all you know about this from the WTS",

    red herrings, etc, etc, etc.

    One Lie: BA is a YEC

    HS, you are too easy.

    For the record, I am not an "angry atheist" I am just much brighter than you are, which I suspect in your wee mind translates into the same thing.

    One need only read your posts to see the anger seething through, boiling over the top. As for your "intelligence", lol, I’m sure all mentally handicapped individuals regard themselves as such, as do you. You are in great company then, and your self appraisals and self congratulations are laughable at best, and very sad at worst, indicative of someone who needs therapy very, very badly.

    You didn't read it the first time I posted it, nor is it likely you read, or comprehend, anything outside of your limited "black and white" view of the world, but I'll post this yet again:

    If I wanted to know about botany, I'd read books on it, and if I had questions, I'd ask botanists, not laymen, for answers. I've already indicated above that I am up to date and informed on evolution theory. You are delusional if you think you are an authority on the theory. You are a layman, not an expert, on the subject. I have read what you have read on talk origins and other pro-evolution websites, as well as pro-creation websites. Your ignorance of the subject matter you infer yourself to be an expert on has already been demonstrated on many threads regarding the subject.

    There have already been thousands of pages of redundant threads on JWD regarding evolution, creation, and evolution vs. creation as a belief.

    In all of those threads, not once has either stance been proven as fact, though some ignoramuses will claim otherwise, you being one of them no doubt. But bold claims do not proof make. JWD is now overpopulated with Rabid Evolutionists Taking Atheist Radical Dogma Seriously, there can be no doubt of that. While you can all continue to pat each other on the back, citing "phaks", "lawjik" and "reezun", your agenda is transparent. Go on "duhbayting on duh internetz ", it really "maykes yoo proovded smahrt" lol!

    BA- For the record, didn't call HS "an "Angry Atheist". Here is what I stated: "HS, stop the hating."

    PS- HS, get help in the form of a therapist soon.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    'Angry Apostate' is a term BA latched onto from another thread, although it seems he missed entirely the point of that thread........

    Fi. Wondering if BA is capable of independant thought.

    Perhaps if you took the time to read, rather than follow HS around the board like a little brown-noser, you'd realize I never called HS an "Angry Atheist", although HS certainly is angry, and HS needs therapy soon.

    BA- Setting the record straight.

    PS- You look foolish when you follow a poster around, behaving so obsequiously.

  • fifi40


    As usual making comments as if they are fact............please show evidence of my following HS around the board brown nosing.

    I have read this thread with amusement as HS continues to expose you for what you are...........and you as a supposed christian continue to respond in a most unchristian like way....God will not be pleased with

    I think dear your words prove time after time your limitations and you are the fool for your inability to see how you portray yourself

  • fifi40

    PS.......Ba........you have to admit HS is very funny

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    You are clearly in a state of denial.

    I suggest you look at your posts, and in a mirror.

    BA- Lolz.

  • fifi40

    Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba BaBa

    As usual you distort fact with your only little brand of fiction......I have made 2 comments to HS on this thread because I will openly admit I find him funny, intelligent and entertaining and I enjoy the way he is clever enough to expose you for what you are.....

    If admiring a person for the wit they display and commenting on it, is brown nosing then I stand guilty as charged........but as this is the first time I have chosen to comment on HS charming qualities on this board I doubt the term is really suitable

    PS......If I follow you around the board commenting on your most obnoxious characteristics will you report me too the elders

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