Mum's need help with possible pregnancy questions

by LaniB 5 Replies latest social family

  • LaniB

    Well as you see from my avatar I already have one, she's about to turn two. I found out about the pregnancy at just past 4 weeks. Always was clockwork regular, but I'd just had a feeling in myself that month that something was, you know, different but couldn't put my finger on it. I did a test because I thought I was tired, rundown, had the flu or something and didn't want to waste my time at the doctors doing pregnancy tests..... and guess what, it was positive

    This last month has just been weird. I'm not sure if I just "know" again or if it's wishful thinking or hypercondria :)

    I've, according to the doctor, had gastro which is the reason for me being ill a few weeks ago. (If I am pregnant it would have been about a week after I'd conceived) . I'm losing weight (4kg or almost 9lbs so far even with my darling fiance's been bringing me home ice cream). I use to smoke (but never in the house or within the vicinity of my daughter outside). I'd been going to quit and bought nicotine patches to help but I wore one, took it off within a hour or two and have been going cold turkey ever since. I just couldn't do it for some reason, nor can I smoke. I've realised that I was getting very forgetful with my tablets all of a sudden (my epilepsy medication is in the 2nd level of things you are not suppose to take while pregnant). However it's not intentially that I am forgetting, I've just had to set an alarm to remind me, and I've been taking these drugs for the past 20 years of my life. And, I've just been feeling not a movement or flutter but it's almost like a warm soft vibration in my abdomen. It's not there all the time but happens during the day on and off.

    I've got a few more days before I can really test (I've just realised I forgot when my last period was, which also is not like me). I know if I stress and worry it can just delay it, so I'm just waiting to see but has anyone else ever had an experience like this?

  • momzcrazy


    I hope a congratulations are in order. With my first 3 pregnancies I had to wait a week past missing my period to test. With the 3rd I had spotted all thru my period time, I was pregnant with an ectopic.

    This last pregnancy I tested a week before my period was due. I don't know why I got the test. And I didn't use first morning urine, it was 7 pm. Two tests in a row lit up blue. And I felt funny in my stomach and my doctor said it was little contractions. But nothing to fear. Had a almost 9 lb boy.

    I say go get the tests with two in the box. Take one now, what can it hurt? Then take one next week if you need. I thinkk it's EPT that you can test earlier than before.

    Good Luck!


  • Bobbi

    The forgetfulness sounds like "pregancy brain". LOL I have a fabulous memory except when I am pregnant. Then I am a complete basketcase.

    Can you check with your doctor to make sure your meds are working correctly. I thought persons with Epilepsy sometime need to adjust thier doses to compensate for physical changes.

    Also, since this is your second pregnancy, you will be much more aware of the changes in your body because you know what to look for now. Losing weight is pretty common, you body is doing some very heavy work. Keep up your fluids and get rest when you can, like that will be easy with a little one already.

    Bobbi (Proud Mommy of 3 boys.)

    I love talking babies and pregnancy!!! makes me happy.

  • bigmouth

    Hi LaniB. I get the impression from the way you've written your post that you're really stressing out. Now relax a minute.

    My wife's away at the moment and she is a midwifery student, (and we've had 7 kids) she's sure to be some help.

    And one of the other posters here at JWD ,in the UK, is a midwife so I hope she spots your thread and reassures you.

    Kind thoughts,

  • LaniB

    Hi all,

    thanks for the answers and I would appreciate any midwife answers as well. Don't worry, I'm not stressing out as more totally bemused by everything that is happening. After all... how could I be losing weight but be pregnant... where has my brain gone.... why did I just unknowingly kinda reject the occasional ciggie and am not even taking the patches...

    Life is just generally weird, amusing but weird


  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    I too lost weight when i was pregnant with my son. It's not that strange. Go get a test and put your mind at ease. If it's negative go to the doctor, sound like your body's trying to tell you something.

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