God told me to

by bite me 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bite me
    bite me

    I was thinking of something the other day. I realized how much people can take the Bible out of Context. Sure, they use the Bible but they teach it in an incorrect way.

    ie. If you follow the teachings and not read the entire verse or section you can do something "wrong" and say; "but it is in the Bible, so it must be okay."

    I'll use a verse from Gen. and take just a few words out of context.

    Genesis 27:18

    18 He went to his father and said, "My father." "Yes, my son," he answered. "Who is it?"

    I'm going to take this verse into concideration and tell my cousin to rob a bank. Why? Because the bible said to.

    Okay, so maybe this is a little extreme but if one really thinks about it. If you are sitting in a hall listening to the people tell you to go from this verse to that verse just how long do you stay on this verse before he's telling you to go to that verse already. There really is no explaination other than "it is in the bible so it must be so."

    That is all for now.

  • avidbiblereader
    Okay, so maybe this is a little extreme but if one really thinks about it. If you are sitting in a hall listening to the people tell you to go from this verse to that verse just how long do you stay on this verse before he's telling you to go to that verse already. There really is no explaination other than "it is in the bible so it must be so."

    So true, that is why reading the Bible personally, asking and begging God for His Holy Spirit and allowing Him to teach us ONLY after we can successfully purge our minds of WT teachings will we find what this is about, and it may take time after time, but that is where the digging comes in. Christianity is simple, men have complicated it to our demise.


  • bite me
    bite me

    I totally agree with you. As we have seen happen.

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    that is exactly how trinitarians create their three headed god :-?

  • ex-nj-jw

    Reading the bible always put me to sleep, very boring


  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Or join unrelated verses together, like JWs are told to do.

    Here's an example of what could be done: read "Judas hanged himself" and then kangaroo-hop over to "And do thou likewise".

    This is a ridiculous method, but it is the method that the WTS/GB absolutely relies on.

    You can prove anything you wish with this "method".


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