Lying is okay

by Hiddenwindow 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • buffalosrfree

    How can lieing be truth, the truth will set you free you know, or is it the lieing truth will set you free?

    Jaguabass how do you like the life applications bible, do you recommend it??? inquiring minds want to know.

  • GentlyFeral

    Look, there are times when questions like "Are you a Christian?", "Are you a Jehovah's witness?", or "Are you gay?" mean "Do I get kill you?" The correct answer is always "NO, you don't get to kill me."

    But there are times when the misunderstood have to come out, because at the end of the day century, it's other people's fear and ignorance that'll kill you.


  • VoidEater

    Jaguar: "'Only a fool tells all he knows' which to me is saying, it is all right to lie." I think there is a clear distinction: not providing information (choosing not to say something) is different from asserting a lie. In one case you are withholding, in the other you are inserting faleshood. To lie is an act of commission, to withhold is an act of ommission. I would get from this statement that it's ok to not reveal something, not that it's ok to assert falsehood. I wonder when the "after" is that the wise man reveals all?

    Dawg: I went through two years of no contact with my dad (when I came out), and so I can know a little bit about the experience of having no relationship with him (for all his faults, he is still by dad). In many ways he's worked long and hard to make up for not being the greatest dad while I was growing up, and at times it was better that we had little contact. But these days I can only be thankful for our relationship, and I wish there was some way that I could impact your situation - I'm still amazed that my dad was able to make our relationship more important than what the society says...

  • Shawn10538

    "Principle" is the correct word for what is described above by "Wha happened." Remember, "a princiPAL is your pal." At least that is what they taught me in school. If you die for your principal I'd say you are a very loyal student.


    The WBT$ is the initial liar..JW`s promote or cover up,WBT$ lies..Depending on whatever is best,for the WBT$ at the time...OUTLAW

  • Forscher
    There are several doctrinal explications in the WT literature about which the average JW is not aware. One that has always puzzled me is the definition that the Insight book gives to lying. It explains that lying does not mean to provide false information, but that it means to give wrong information to whoever has the right to know. Therefore, if you give wrong information to an individual who does not have the right to know such information, you are not lying. This is, of course, very interesting, because, based on such interpretation, the Governing Body may considered, and in fact it has done it, as shown by the UN scandal, that the average Witness does not have the right to know this or that. I have experienced that most witnesses do not think on the implications of this, or do not even know about it. What has your experience been on this issue?

    That is obviously the legal department at work. The definition of lying is the same one which policemen use to ethically justify lying to suspects. I think it is based on Kantian reasoning.


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