Hmmmmm... I wonder...

by AGuest 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest
    Anyone who got their feelings hurt by that is an ass... period!

    I believe you are jumping to conclusions, dear Dawg (may you have peace!): you certainly didn't hurt MY feelings... nor did I get the impression your "hurt" anyone else's. So, I'm not sure where you're coming from...

    I was saying that words do matter;

    Which was the point of this post, actually. Per some of the comments, however, there are certainly some who believe they don't...

    not saying anything about anyone specific... you guys need to get your asses off your sholders and learn to laugh once in while, not take yourselves so seriously...

    When the occasion calls for it, yes. Certainaly. In this case, I made this post as a follow-up to another where the sincerity of my wish for peace to one was questioned by another. I took exception with that, because although the person with the problem [with my greeting] does not know me, he/she managed to "know" my motive in making the greeting. How is that, exactly? You, however, and a couple other responders to this particular thread may not be up-to-speed regarding the chain of... communication... and so, to some, your response might seem a bit off topic and, perhaps, even inappropriate. Personally, to ME... it just seemed infantile: you know, something a teenage kid would say when he couldn't think of anything else (when in doubt... use profanity!).

    good lord, if someone had said that to be I'd of laughed my ass off.

    But, see, now... there's the rub: we are NOT you... and so, may NOT do what YOU would do under the circumstances. For example, if someone wished ME peace... I would return the greeting. Your response, however, is that if someone wished YOU peace... you would respond "kiss my ass." Okay, I get that. However, for someone to impune to you a bad motive, right off the bat, just by reason of your response ("ooooh! he really meant something malicious by those words"!) would, IMHO... be an error... IF they didn't KNOW you meant something malicious.

    What kills me is you were so busy taking yourselves seriously that you didn't even get what was being said... good lord!

    Again, I am not sure where you're coming from... because I didn't get that anyone took offense. The only ones who responded to you (excluding those who lauded you), where Farkel and I. Farkel only tried to give you some insight into the person I am (thank you, again, DC!) and I only responded to your question as to what I "hear" when someone says "kiss my ass" in response to something like my original question. Where do you see that someone was offended?

    Believe me, I'll go to bed tonight thinking you that didn't find humor in it, nay, didn't have the intellect to even know what I was saying, are just idiots... to think you didn't even get the joke and instead thought it was about someone who posted shows you were looking for something to get your feelings hurt over....

    Actualllyyyy... it appears that YOU are the one who didn't "get it." You made what YOU thought was a joke (yes?), not everyone thought it was funny (see, that's the "thing" with jokes!)... right?... and then proceed to make it about everyone else BUT you. Perhaps your joke wasn't as funny as you thought, true, but, again, I don't think anyone got their feelings hurt by it. If anything in this thread would "hurt" MY feelings, it would being falsely accused of "picking" on someone when nothing of the sort occurred. But even that didn't hurt my feelings, because I understand how some people will stand up for those they love/admire, regardless of whether they have all the facts or not. Loyalty doesn't always ask questions first...

    I'd be ashamed if I couldn't even understand the joke and ran off mad casue I thought the joke was about me... Get a grip.

    Ran off mad... ran off mad... who ran off... and who ran off mad? I can't see where anyone here did. Again, I think you have jumped to conclusions...

    That makes the joke even funnier, you whom were offended by it didn't even get the joke in the first place..

    The only one I see that got offended here... is you. And why? Because your WORDS... weren't received... as you... intended them to be. But then, that was the very gist and purpose of the post "in the first place," right?... which I find very "funny" (as in, peculiar)... that YOU... don't "get." May I ask you: do you know what a hypocrite is? Perhaps not because it contains more than 3-4 letters (that was my jab at the "teenager" in you - my bad).

    Now, please, do NOT let yourself become offended because I tell you the truth... about your hypocrisy. Because, TRULY (and I mean that most sincerely)... I wasn't offended when you asked me to "kiss your ass" - I'm sorry... when your words... implied that I (or anyone offering you a greeting of peace) should "kiss your ass". Hey, I figured you were just (immaturely) looking for applause. And, truthfully, we both know you were... and are now a bit chagrined (well, more than a bit, actually)... that you didn't get it... at least, not from those you thought you would.

    You underestimated the decency of a lot of folks here, dear Dawg, unfortunately, to the detriment of your "joke." That, however, is your own fault and, therefore, you really have no ground to stand on with regard to "hurt feelings." However, I... truly, do not want you to feel hurt or offended, even if it's the result of your own error. I would rather you simply give ME the same benefit of the doubt you wish me to give YOU, that MY words were NOT intended to hurt anyone's feelings at all.

    Again, I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • seven006


    I have read some of your posts before. You come off as a half way intelligent person and quite the smart ass. I for one hold smart assness in somewhat high regard. I am a long time member and past president of The Smart Asses of America Club.

    But, there is a time and place. Your timing for this “joke” was way off. You attempted to mask over that timing mistake (which I think you understood a while back) just makes you look stupid. I don’t think you are stupid.

    But, trying to cover up your “stupid joke made at the wrong time” by calling people who may have taken offence to it, an “ass”, is making you look like an ass. I don’t think you are an ass either.

    Shelby is one hell of a good person. Like Farkel, I don’t agree with her spiritual politics and think she is a nut sometimes but that doesn’t change who she is as a good person or beloved poster. Occasionally promoting her god product aside, that lady has one hell of a great heart! She loves to be a slave to that Jesus guy. So what, she’s not hurting anyone. That’s her choice. Just like not being a slave to anyone is mine and I’m guessing yours.

    She, or anyone else is not an ass for possibly taking offence to your lame joke if they indeed did (and it was lame). I didn’t but that’s just me, I understand where both of you are coming from and do not take offence easily about anything.

    Using your words “give me a break”. Be a man. Be nice. Think about it a while and then make a comment. Or don’t.

    If you do, you are welcome to use my best excuse for saying or doing something stupid. “It’s not my fault damn it!….I was raised in a cult”!

    Take care,


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Wa alaikum asalaam Shelby!

    I've never met you personally and haven't really interacted much here with you but I know that when you bid peace, you mean it - to the extent that when you were in serious debate with someone a few weeks back, I remember you didn't bid them peace in your posts.

    Peace is like forgiveness, it only rests upon those who are willing to receive it, so do continue to bid peace to us if you will

    Hope your exams go well too!

  • Forscher

    Wa aleikum as-salam Aguest. Kaif haalich?

    Yes, some folks do have problems for the most ridiculous reasons. I had a professor who used to constantly remind the class "that there will always be somebody who won't like you, so don't worry about it."

    Ahlan wa sahlan.


  • AGuest

    May you both have peace!

    Wa alaikum asalaam Shelby!

    Thank you, Sad Emo, truly!

    I know that when you bid peace, you mean it - to the extent that when you were in serious debate with someone a few weeks back, I remember you didn't bid them peace in your posts.

    Yes, and I HATE when that has to happen, which it does sometimes, unfortunately, for the very reason you mention next… “like forgiveness, it only rests upon those who are willing to receive it.” The Spirit won’t allow me to throw it out there arbitrarily and so if and when it is rejected, it returns to rest [upon] me, praise Jah. I don’t need to wish myself peace, so I am simply guided to refrain from the statement altogether.

    so do continue to bid peace to us if you will

    Yes, of course! Absolutely NO worries there, dear one! Although, I don’t know that I can say the same about my exams – I think I may have blown last week’s (missed a MAJOR issue – ARGGHHHH!!!!) – hopefully, I got enough correct on the multi-choices to cover (“wishin’, and hopin’, and…”). We’ll see…

    Wa aleikum as-salam Aguest. Kaif haalich?

    Al’ham dulilah, dear Forscher, and thanks for asking. Kaif haalich?

    there will always be somebody who won't like you, so don't worry about it."

    Excellent advice, of course! I will try to remember ask for God’s spirit to help me do that when I need to. Again, thanks!

    Shukran to you both, my dear sister and brother by means of Abraham, as well as to those of you who offered me a similar greeting… and peace (truly!) to those who offered a greeting similar to mine … as well as to those who didn’t.

    YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ,


  • Forscher
    Al’ham dulilah, dear Forscher, and thanks for asking. Kaif haalich?

    Bi-khair, al-Hamdu li-l-ah. Though I will respectfully point out that the correct way to ask me how I am is "Kaif haal-ak" as I am a male (Arabic, just like Hebrew, requires that the gender of the one being addressed be acknowledged by the inflection of the words, with a few exceptions). I will also mention for our readers that the difference in my transliteration of the Arabic is due to the text I study. Different texts use different equivalents.

    Excellent advice, of course! I will try to remember ask for God’s spirit to help me do that when I need to. Again, thanks!

    Aafwan Aguest!

    Ahlan wa sahlan


  • AGuest

    I KNEW I was going to blow it! I LOVE language and was kinda concerned as to whether I would spell it right and/or use the right gender context, etc. (i.e., in Spanish, you have the whole "a" suffix for feminine words thing!).

    Thank you for the clarification, and please know that I'm not even going to attempt to respond to your closing other than to say, again, peace... and thank you!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • buffalosrfree

    Reality is from people's perceptions of events, words, happenings, and willingness to assimilate (borg here) the words, events, happening into meaningful actualalities (spelling????) either peaceful or hostile. Depends on the individual. If it is a dub telling me that, I would be looking over my shoulder and wondering what it is that they want or what it is they are trying to find out. No I don't trust dubbies.

  • avishai

    Shalom Aleichem, Shelby!! Muah!!

  • tula

    Bi-khair, al-Hamdu li-l-ah. Though I will respectfully point out that the correct way to ask me how I am is "Kaif haal-ak" as I am a male (Arabic, just like Hebrew, requires that the gender of the one being addressed be acknowledged by the inflection of the words, with a few exceptions). I will also mention for our readers that the difference in my transliteration of the Arabic is due to the text I study. Different texts use different equivalents.

    Good advice above if you can read between the lines. "Better keep your mouth shut if you don't know what you are saying".

    This pseudo-intellectual approach is ALSO EMPTY WORDS because you don't even know what you are saying nor the context in which the words are and should be used. I am glad someone here (above) had the knowledge to point it out to you.

    Learn a lesson from this example: This is what happens when you open your mouth and don't know what you are talking about:

    Judges 12:6

    they said, "All right, say 'Shibboleth.' " He said, "Sibboleth," because he could not pronounce the word correctly, they seized him and killed him at the fords of the Jordan. Forty-two thousand Ephraimites were killed at that time.

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