Conversation with my mom

by RollerDave 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • RollerDave

    Deaf Alzheimer's Lady: When can Becky come over and turn my freezer upside down so it can be fixed?

    RollerDave: Uh, when she has time, she's out shopping for my birthday.

    Deaf Alzheimer's Lady: Oh.

    RollerDave: See, I'm allowed to celebrate my birthday, and you aren't. So there.

    Deaf Alzheimer's Lady: OK, but she's the only one who can turn my freezer upside down, you know a screw fell out of it and only Becky is strong enough....

    RollerDave: You just think that because she's so tall. Anyone could turn that over, it's no big deal really.

    Deaf Alzheimer's Lady: Oh. Do you have a car?

    RollerDave: Yes mother I have a truck, it's HUGE...

    Deaf Alzheimer's Lady: Well then you could come over...

    RollerDave: It's so BIG! It's ginormous!

    Deaf Alzheimer's Lady: And you could...

    RollerDave: BIG BIG BIG! h00h00, that thing's large.

    Deaf Alzheimer's Lady: It is?

    RollerDave: Oh, and what's more, it's not just big, but also 'big-like' which is a distinction without a difference.

    Deaf Alzheimer's Lady: Uh, OK...

    RollerDave: I mean it's MASSIVE.

    Deaf Alzheimer's Lady: So that's what you like about it? It's big?

    RollerDave: Well, also that it is so unsuitable for field service.

    Deaf Alzheimer's Lady: It's no good for field service?

    RollerDave: Yeah! When I go out in the Apostate Field Ministry, spreading evil lies about the Witchtower Babble and Trick society, I can only fit about six evil apostates into it.

    Deaf Alzheimer's Lady: Uh.... OK... Huh?

    RollerDave: Yeah, when we go door to door in the Apostate Field Ministry.

    Deaf Alzheimer's Lady: Ok, well tell Becky I'd like her to give me a call OK?

    RollerDave: Ok, mom. gotta go, Evil Slave hugs n kisses!

    Deaf Alzheimer's Lady: What?

    RollerDave: Evil Slave hugs and kisses!

    Deaf Alzheimer's Lady: Oh you!

    RollerDave: Evil Slave out!

    Deaf Alzheimer's Lady: Uh, OK, bye.


    I'm not sure how much of this she really got, but it was still a hoot and a holler.


  • Kudra

    Oh my...!

    Does your mom really have Alzheimer's??

    You're bad!

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    You're not bad - you are an evil apostate!! Cute convo with mom! LOL


  • momzcrazy

    If your mom truly has alzheimers I think you have figured out the way to survive it:humour. Did Becky get over there to turn the freezer over? Don't forget to call her!

    I am afraid my kids will do this same thing to me one day, they've already made me crazy!


  • primitivegenius

    hey dave ....... how many return kingdum hell eggings did you get last month........

  • RollerDave

    Just got back from drivin that gas guzzling Evil Slavemoble of an ApostaTruck all over hell, and I DID manage to stop in at mom's, and did get her freezer flipped on its back and repairified.

    It was nothing, just like I said it would be, job done.

    Also did the storage locker shuffle, and brought Beckaroo some food from Wendy's.

    Humor IS the way to deal with just about everything, in my opinion.

    Sometimes you just gotta laugh to keep from climbing a clock tower with a rifle, J/K, of course.


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