Does the Shunning practice lead people to post on apostate sites?

by JH 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JH

    By shunning inactive or df'd ones, I'm sure that the Watchtower unravels the red carpet to apostate internet sites.

    What is a shunned person supposed to do? Talk to no one ?

  • oompa

    correct....not til the welcome back letter is read....oompa

  • dawg

    all I can tell you is that I'm ghlad this site is here... for 17 years I had no one to talk to... I think the internet will bring about the end of this false religion.

  • BFD

    You hit the nail on the head. The only reason I found JWD is because my mother started shunning over 20 years after I was DF'd. I wouldn't give the WT$ a second thought if it weren't for that.

    I am glad that I found the truth about the WT$ after so long.


  • LongHairGal


    It probably does. The whole point of their shunning routine is that they want you to go running back to them. They also think that by shunning you they are taking away your right of free speech. They hope to isolate you so that nobody there finds out the 'dirt' you know about the religion.

    But, while you may not be free to talk to any of them, you are certainly free to talk to anybody else in the human race that you want to.

    In my case I went looking for the so-called apostate sites first because I simply wanted to see what it was the JW religion didn't want me to know.

    Most of what I found out I already suspected. The only new things I learned about were the U.N. scandal and the extent of the pedophile problem.


  • solidergirl

    Yep thats why I'm here it hurts being shun by my grandmother and brother. My brother!!!!they were wrong for that but believe me everything is being unravel.

  • maxwell

    I would agree as well. I think they push the shunning for two reasons. One, they want to "protect" the flock from the leaven, and two, they think it is supposed to make the person feel remorse for whatever they did wrong and long to come back.

    It might work on the first point, I would not expect it to work at all on the second point. Obviously some do go back, but I often wonder why anyone would expect a person to come back after being treated that way.

    "Look how rude I am being towards you. Look how I am ignoring you and not speaking to you. Doesn't that just make you really really want to come hang out with me now? Don't you just wish you could impress me enough that I would not ingore you anymore?" Sometimes JW seem full of themselves.

    So in answer to the question, yes, when 6 million people are supposed to shun you out of 6 billion, then you may start looking to some of the rest of the 6 billion for social company. That's only 1 out of 1000 who are supposed to shun you. Apostate sites are as good as any place to hang out with those other 999.

  • Gayle

    Hopefully! When one door closes, a better one opens. At least 'shunned' xJWs don't have to feel so isolated anymore. There are people that totally understand.

  • ldrnomo

    The WTBTS aka Borg is expert at shooting itself in the foot. Or is it really Jesus shooting them in the foot?

  • Priest73

    Wait. This is an apostate site?

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