Are we all somehow impaired? Recovery?

by dinah 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    Bear with me, I'm "impaired".

    Why is it some of us seem to move on with scars hidden, some fall apart, some fall apart and pick up their pieces and walk away somewhat whole.

    What is it about our individual emotional/mental make-up that affects how we deal with this crap? Some self-destruct, some fight self-destruction, some don't give a shit.

    You can take some kids and put them in a meeting about death and doom and they don't take it to heart, some do. My whole problem was hurting for all those peeps that Jehover was gonna kill.

    They misrepresented my God, and for that I am angry.

  • dinah

    Dag, I'm not a newbie

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    In dealing with any trauma how a person deals with it depends on the skills they have developed in life to deal with any problem.

    People who have been through terrible abuse may have learned to stick their heads in the sand and pretend nothing terrible happened. Others find a way to survive the mess and they carry on.

    Something I have noticed is that the younger a person is the more likely they just want to "get on with life". We often see them 10 to 15 years later when they are taking a look at their life and are wondering what happened. I've noticced that the late 20s to early 30s people begin to see a pattern of problems and failures.

    Some will turn to substance abuse or serial relationships, anything to NOT deal with the real issues.

    We have to admit there is a problem and identify it if we are to begin to deal with and the impact it has had in our lives.

    This seems to be the case whether the trauma is a physical, emotional or spiritual trauma. Eventually it smacks us upside the head and demands to be dealt with

  • buffalosrfree

    We have all been somewhat impaired, at least to a degree however small, the youth trapped in the org are having a hell of a time coping, they have been given no coping skills while intrapped within. they are constantly pushed by parents to conform to the witness ideals of good God fearing children and to go out in the ministry, where they can sell Jdubs mags. (that is what it amounts too)

  • jaguarbass

    They misrepresented my God, and for that I am angry.

    It sound's to me like you got to be 39 years old and found out there was no Santa Clause or easter bunny now your pxssed.

    They misrepresented your God. As far as I can tell everyone has missrepresented God. I am not smart enough to process and weigh all the information and determine if there is a God or not.

    I'm 99% sure there is not a biblical God and if there is I cant be in the same room with him.

    I'm 99% sure there is a designer. I dont know if the designer is a person or committe or something in another dimension that I have absolutely no comprehension of.

    Then maybe we are pieces of God here ,spirits having material experiences to entertain ourselves. Some have taken the horror ride and some have taken the ride down the gentle flowing river in shaded sunlight. Some have taken the comedy ride, the drama ride, the boring ride, the war ride, the short ride the long ride. Some have come here for a few years as a sheep or cow. Some have come here for 35 days as a house fly to come back latter for 75 years as a man or woman. If time is endless so are the posibilities.

  • R.Crusoe

    The question is an excellent one! The answer is not, because it is not scientifically staightforward. There are lots of people with reasons but none, although relevant, assist in the rebuilding of a life that has been shattered. It is easier for a chicken to lay another egg than to put Humpty Dumpty together again. People can keep telling you why you fell off the wall and whether it was whoevers fault etc. but it will not provide people around you who care just for you and are there for you and interested in how you feel and think and how you are feeling on a daily basis. Professionals are there to help but subconsciously you know they cannot be your soul mate by definition - they are not in your life for you alone. Maybe it is the lack of closeness and affection which destroys people and then leaves them that way. Also there may be those pretending to care whose intrigue results in them paying lip service to your situation but with no real concern for your continued welfare. Real friends are rare. Some of us have none in our own age range with the capacity to give what we could give back - pure friendship! Sadly it may weaken you till there is little left for you to give of yourself anymore.

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