No Longer!

by bite me 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • bite me
    bite me

    I am no longer a newbie, do I fit in yet?

  • PEC

    Congrats, you have always fit in.


  • llbh

    Of course and you have been here longer than me.

    regards David

  • bite me
    bite me

    I may have been registered longer than you, but I think you've actually "been" here longer than I have.

    I totally forgot about this site, Then I ran across it again.

    But either way, I'm enjoying it here.

    Does The watchtower org have a message board? It would be logical to have one, but I still think they want people to be on the internet as little to none as possible.

  • Gopher

    The wacky-tower site has no interaction, except for a place where you can enter your address and have some local JW's call on you.

    So if there's somebody you need to get revenge on, just enter their address there.

    They don't even have a screen where you can ask them questions!

  • bite me
    bite me

    i thought about putting an address in, but then they can read your IP.. but what if we go to the library. heheeheh

    I don't want to do anything as cruel as that though.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
  • bite me
    bite me

    not only no longer am I a newbie.. but I received senior status.. Not sure when that happend. Haha how far do the numbers reach in the status? The titles I mean.

  • snowbird


    0 Newbie
    100 Junior Member
    250 Senior Member
    500 Master member
    1000 Jedi Master
    2000 Emperor Class
    5000 Supreme One
  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    get an avatar

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