I never realised this before....

by Stezza 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • StillGroggy


    The religion is so awful I don't even consider it a religion anymore. It's a destructive cult. I wonder exactly how many families lie destroyed from shunning and how many people have died because of blood?

    Good luck getting your mother to think for herself.

  • AudeSapere
    allows mothers to die but will not report paedophiles

    Women are expendable and don't count for much in the org. Paedophiles, on the other hand, seem to be mostly men and could potentially be used as servants.

    Makes sense, eh?

    Nice to have you back again.


  • Carmel

    I don't understand... what does being a former catholic have to do with being an expert about "all religions". carmel, of the "curious minds want to know" class

  • Stezza

    Hi Carmel When I left, I left as the local peadophile was not reported to the police (which was law at the time, that certain community figures had the responsibily to come forward eg Teachers, police, doctors, nurses, priests that you could not hide behind professional prvilige). The feeling I had ( and I am sure I am not unusual) was that I was leaving because I was weak and could not wait on Jehovah. It was only last year that I started to look at the internet to see if there was any information on the witnesses, which might of touched on the experiences I had and what I saw. I had always thought I was in the wrong to the point that I never said anything bad about the witnesses as I thought that was wrong. So to find this site and have my thoughts confirmed about attitudes and behaviousrs and to realsie I was not to blame that there is a certian culture within the group which did not marry in my mind to the fundametals of christianity that I had been taught, that I believe overrides 'procedure' was a relief and a huge awakening for me. I had never spoken to my husband about my former belief, only that I left, and I bent his ear night and day about the things I was finding out and reading particularly about the real estate holdings and the paedophile issues. As an Irish Catholic, all of it was old hat and his commnet was 'it is a religion what do you expect?' I suppose we are taught as witnesses the the high point of the failure of religion is the Catholic Church so I suppose I mean it in that contaxt and i suppose I am reflecting my belief that organsied religion and its expectations are a very heavy burden on people. As we live in Ireland and I am exposed to the Catholic Church, I see this burden which does still exist and I do not like it. What I am amazed at is I have seen alot of similarity between the attitudes and culture within the Catholic Church and the Jehovahs Witnesses. Particularly the role of women and in the recent years the way paedophiles are treated. Perhaps I should write an artcile about it as I do not think most people see the commonality. This is ironic considerring how JW's are always talking baout how bad the Catholic Church is. Pot and kettle is what I say. Sorry for the long answer but it is a pet subject and I become a bore once I get started!

  • Gill

    Hi STezza!

    As a mum who nearly suffered a similar fate as the lady who died in the UK, which would have left me abandoning my husband with five children I can only say how sorry I am for what i did and how ashamed I am! I was thinking this week that I hope the doctors and midwives at the hospital I had my last baby in don't remember that stupid JW woman (ME) who nearly died refusing a blood transfusion.

    My husband was traumatised and is till upset eight years later after what happened. He did say this week that if they hadn't stopped the bleeding when they had he would have run to the fridge and fetched the blood himself!!

    My older children 22 and 23, and my twins who are 16 remember how ill I was in hospital after the birth of their new sibling. They shocked me in how they remember vividly everything that happened that week, the room I was in, the things that happened etc.

    And there was I, a) glad I wasn't dead, b) glad I wasn't going to be disfellowshipped as I had managed to stay alive without blood transfusion, c) and to be honest, feeling just a little bit holier than thou!

    I am so ashamed of what happened!

    Mums should not do this to their children!! Mums have a duty to stay alive as long as they can!

    As for your last post, it is amazing how many JWs I have heard of who have walked away from Watchtower land becuase of pedophiles who have been covered over and protected by the local elders, even quite recently! Shows it is still going on and they just can't take the bad publicity!

    Welcome Back!!!!

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