The Lengths JWs Go To In Order To Get Away With Things

by minimus 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I was just listening to the Fifth Dimension's 60s song "Aquarius". I remember Witnesses loving that songf and actually swubstituting "Aquarius" with "Asparagus"! You see, then it was ok to sing. ("We're not saying or singing Aquarius") so it was allowable.

    Can you think of other examples as to how Witnesses stretch things for their own benefit?

  • primitivegenius

    yeah i remember being at a resturant with some cool dubs.......... and some newly intersted people and i made the joke......... about how we loved that song............ the new person not knowing it was made in jest went and requested it......................... then we had to explain how we didnt because of zodiological reasons........ lol

    what idiots we were its just a damn song with a kickass beat

  • BizzyBee

    Big turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. "Turkeys are cheap right now and everyone has the day off anyways."

    Yeah, pass the cranberry sauce!

  • dawg

    I was in a JW band and we sand "angel in the salad bowl" instead of "angel is the centerfold"... stupid huh?

  • DublDipd

    Seems that I always remember the "Big Turkey Dinner" (hell, just call it a Thanksgiving Dinner), was always on the preceding Tuesday or Wed. Another "fudge" with one of the more liberal congregations in my area was what they deemed "Gift Day". This was always celebrated...uhhhh I mean "observed" following the New Years festivities. I was always so jealous that the kids in that cong. always got the damned just didn't seem right!

    Since we are talking about how JW's push the dogmas, rules, laws, guidelines (?) to the edge, what about "drinking only in moderation"? I don't know about you guys, but this was one guideline around my congregation that was regularly taken out behind the woodshed and thrashed! JW's only drink in "moderation", and they have the raging alcholics to prove it!

  • Blueblades

    I was told that some Bethelites go out of town to see certain movies and go to certain clubs where they won't be found out but got caught anyway.

  • WTWizard

    I remember those after-holiday sales on Easter, Christmas, and Halloween candy after the holidays. The Witlesses would usually take advantage of those sales. The excuse would be that the holiday is done.

    Why can't they just enjoy things for what they are? Just enjoy the holiday candy, lights, and--hell, the whole nine yards! Who says you are automatically worshiping the sun if you happen to enjoy colored lights? And, that song--why not just enjoy it for the music and the beat, without necessarily agreeing with the message! It's just a song, and if the people weren't so damned programmed to believe anything that hints at demons, they wouldn't have any problem. Hey, I used to listen to that song in 1969, and I don't remember being attacked by any demons when that song came up.

  • pratt1

    People in my hall used to subsitute the word fortune for the word luck - instead of Good Luck, they would say Good Fortune.

    What the hell is the difference?

  • Cardinal Fang
    Cardinal Fang

    DublDipd: re "Gift Day" - my late grandmother became a JW in later life - she gave up going to the bingo with some of her family (which caused ructions) and all the usual stuff, but she'd always been big on Christmas (and her grandkids) and, bless her, she just couldn't let go of she had what were known in the family as 'End-Of-The-Year Parties' with loads of prezzies, balloons, and most of the trimmings - stopping just short of the tree

    It's what's always gonna happen in a legalistic "religion" If only they could see how ridiculous it all is, and how ridiculous it makes them....

  • DublDipd

    I agree 100% with you pratt...

    If a person says, "good luck" they, in Jehoobers infinite love and mercy will be DESTROYED forever! If one says, "good fortune", they MAY, again in His unbounding love for us, be spared at Armageddon (or however the hell they spell it). The only sure thing is that if one does say "good fortune" with impunity will, most probably, be DESTROYED FOREVER.

    Looking at it from the outside now....It is just soooooooo f'n ridiculous!!!!

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