Is there a God? The musings of madman as he walks through the woods

by dawg 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • dawg

    Bear with me, I promice you'll be happy you read this,

    Here at UGA, I studied in the micro-biology department for the first three years of college-organic chem 3 pretty much ended my career. I think evolution is pretty sound sans the fact that they haven't answered the question of how life began. There's been theories run amuck but nothing concrete; in fact, science hasn't been able to create life at any level in any controlled enviorments. So, this left me thinking that maybe there was something higher that may in fact have started it all; kind of kept me believeing in something.

    So, the other day I was walking in the woods and looking at the leaves that are just now changing (Georgia-USA it was 85 degrees last week), and I was talking to the man upstairs asking him to help me to make a sound decision about law school and the like... I was thinking that he was actually hearing me and may in fact help me.

    As I reached the end of the trail, I saw my dogs running after some people, I ran after them to make sure they wouldn't frighten them. THey were a group of mental paitents and their custodians out for a stroll from their care center....

    Then I came home and was watching the discovery channel, they were showing a pair of conjoined twins joined at the head; they were maybe 35 years old or something like that and couldn't be separated becasue they shared a vital blood vessal.

    Now to the point, if there is a God, why the hell would he allow something like this? Why would he listen to my prayers and let babies be born in such ways? I'm asking what ideas you here on the board have because I really do want to believe in God, but damn man, look at stuff like that and see the randomness in it! He don't do squat for man.... What do you guys think and please leave out the myth about the talking snake.....

  • changeling

    He's a figment of early man's imagination, darlin.


  • serotonin_wraith

    I think my question would have to be - why do you want there to be a god?

    I feel happier knowing there's no reason to believe in one. If bad things happen I can see that at least it's random, and not an all powerful being slacking off for whatever reason.

    If there is a god, there's a 1 in 3000 chance of picking the right one, not to mention finding the right way to worship it. So most of us should expect some kind of punishment after death. If there's no afterlife, and we just cease to exist, that's fine. We were doing that for billions of years before we were born and we never had a problem with it.

    The purpose of life becomes whatever you want. I'd much rather do what I want to do than follow rules I find immoral. A life without serving a god doesn't lead to immoral behaviour- relying on your own judgement can in fact make you a better person.

    We haven't created life yet (apart from procreation or in test tubes), but we also haven't set foot on Mars. Should we believe we will never be able to set foot on Mars? Not really, it's just something we may have to wait for. Future generations may have that privilege. It's no reason to think it's an impossibility.

    If you need advice about what career move to make, you can speak to those who have tried what you're considering and see if they can help. You can look at the good and bad points involved. Research is the key, and it can help you find an answer. If things don't work out, no harm done. You just try something else. Whatever you feel like doing should be credited to your own mind, not a god putting ideas in your head.

    I find living for now much better than living for a future life nobody knows exists. This life is the important one. This may be the only one we get, so we shouldn't be wasting it.

  • dawg

    I hear what both of you are saying... he may in fact be a figment of imagination. But Join the dots, creating life and going to Mars are two differnet subjects... a false analogy fallacy if you will. The premise of evolution is that life just sprang from organic material.... is that what you truly believe? I'mnot knocking it and have believed the same at times, but it sure leaves alot of unanswered questions.

  • serotonin_wraith

    Evolution is how living things change over time. It is a fact that this happens.

    How life started is abiogenesis, which is still a grey area.

    One follows the other, but they are not the same thing. Rather like a person firing a starting pistol (abiogenesis) and then a race beginning (evolution). The pistol firing isn't the race itself, it just precedes it.

  • Gopher

    The argument has often been made that the complexity of life requires a designer. A house requires an architect, a watch a watchmaker.

    Except when that complex thing is "God". He is allowed to be the great exception. If the God we keep hearing about exists, surely that God either (1) was always there , (2) sprang up out of nothing, or (3) was created by another god. If #3, then who created the creator of the creator, ad nauseum.

    Option 3 is an evasion, because ultimately it would trace back to an original creator. Options 1&2 would prove a complex creator didn't require a designer.

  • dawg

    YOU are right Join the dots, they are two different things. Still, you haven't explained how it relates to going to mars, nor if it is so easy to happen why it can't be done under expiermentaiton... Don't get me wrong, I agree with you to a point, I'm not certain I believe in a higher being myself. The examples of the conjoined twins-like I asked "why would God do that or allow that" makes me lean to not God at all. But still, is life is so easy that it came by accident, then why can't we create it in a lab?

  • blueviceroy

    This need to know arises when the answer can be abtained . The suffering in this world is meant to raise just this sensation , this need to understand why we suffer, this drive, this desire is a manifestation of our ego to understand our source and our conection to it

    God is a limiting term and the God we are taught as real is just a myth

    The conection to source can be experienced and is meant to be experienced . it is meant to be proven by each individual in way that can be experienced by the individual

    The universe consists of two forces giving and recieving , negative and positive , we are a manifestation of these two forces

    All of creation exists as an intent between these two forces , this is visible either quantatively as in the make up of energy in molecules or qualitively as in the composition of the particles in the molecules

    The creative force "giving" caused the created object "taking" to be ,and in all permutations of matter since the original event can be seen this effect

    The story we tell about this is irrelevent. It is what it is and it is wonderful and profound and we can sense it when the time is right and we allow our intent to become alligned with the "giving " aspect of reality

    A physist will tell you that all subatomic particles are actually just comprised of "intent" it's scientific fact So when your "intent" is in harmony with either force present you will become more aware of it.

    Hope that helps (Btw I am speaking from personal experience)

  • blueviceroy
  • serotonin_wraith

    We just don't have the technical know how to do it yet, that's all. Cavemen couldn't build aeroplanes, the Romans couldn't go to the moon and the Victorians couldn't communicate with people around the world instantly. So there will be things that we can't do yet. Creating life is one of them, just like going to Mars is one of them (though I think we're closer to going to Mars than creating life).

    As for life appearing being easy- hmm, not really. Whatever is involved, it has to be a rare event because we don't know of any other planets yet that support life. Out of all the billions of worlds, this may be the only one with life. We don't know yet. All we do know is that in all our searching we've found nothing out there yet. It would appear the conditions have to be just right first. While people may say that points to a god being involved, we should remember the vast amount of planets in the universe. If there was only a one in a billion chance of life appearing on a planet, there would still be a billion planets supporting life.

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