I adopted a very special Puppy. Pics...and do you have Tips?

by Sirona 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    I have two Highly trained adult Doberman's. There are a few things to start now!

    Little to no talking is needed. I would strongly recommend the program "The dog Whisperer" or google that to see his info on line.

    He has several books out, and a television show. I use mostly hand signals and no voice.

    They do know the words, stay, sit, come, no bark, lay, stay, no kitty, gentle, treat, back, eat, crate, night night time and kiss.

    I use a nose lead, on walks which has been a god send for aggressiveness in the streets with other dogs.

    Always be first, out of the house or back in, everything you give them, including toys belong to you. Absolutely no mouthing a human. If she bites or mouths, you must use your hand at her neck and dig your thumb in firmly but not to hurt. Your hand is the mouth and the teeth are your fingers. This is what an alpha dog does in a pack to put them in there place and let them know the behaivor is not allowed. If done once or twice they get the message quickly....no "ows" needed.

    You must be the alpha and never let up.


  • Sirona

    OK restrangled,

    I need to talk to you!

    If you implement these things, does this work when they go to another home?

    I need to be sure because this dog is going to live with someone else in 12 months. She will be a guide dog for a blind person.

    I'm interested in your method for mouthing. Mouthing is a big issue right now, she is biting at us at every chance and she goes for our faces and hands. They told us to ignore it and give her an alternative thing (like a chew toy) but she persists.

    I'd really like your input.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Hi Sirona

    I got the knowledge from folks I know who do the later training and they also act as 'hoteliers' for working guide dogs if they have to be away from their owners for any reason.

    The bell thing is obvious when you think about it (I had to ask why too!) - the blind person needs to know if the toys are lying around on the floor or they could fall over them - so the dog can only have toys which make a noise - I think they're purchased either through GDB or RNIB - the usual is a hard ball, slightly larger than a tennis ball (big enough to kick but not small enough to step on) with a loud bell inside it.

    I might see these folks again at the weekend so if I rememberI'll try get some more tips for you

  • restrangled

    Sirona....that has to be stopped immediately.....Use the hand with the fingers on her neck if he/she does that....quickly not after the fact and with no words just come at them as the one in charge and grab the side of the neck. Think of your hand as a dogs mouth and fingers as the teeth....no need to hurt, just make clear who is the alpha. Make a sound with your mouth at the same time such as sssstttt. If the dog is not responding....get the dog laying down with the same action and noise. It will not take more than once or twice if you are following all other directions.

    When my dogs are outside and get into the alpha mode with other dogs they cannot see beyond a fence, all I have to do is either walk in front of them with my hand up or make the sound sssttt. Instant good behaivor and silence.

    My dogs are over 100 pounds each and considered "gladiators"......as long as I practice being the Alpha dog at all times I don't have a problem. They are never allowed in front of me in any situation, including in the house.....they actually follow me where ever I go, and if they accidently get in front of me will sit down and let me pass.

    They are behind me at all times. I can set bowls down to eat, but they don't touch them until I say it's ok to eat. I

    If you need more help let me know.


  • Tara

    Poppy is beautiful! My upstairs neighbor just got a yellow lab puppy last weekend...Molly. Yours looks just as sweet.

    I recommend a crate as well. Positive reinforcement with dog cookies and lots and lots of praise for good behavior.

    Good luck with your puppy.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    OK everyone who wants this to be purely JW talk on the forum sorry, but I have friends here who could help!

    thank goodness this place is only a small % of JW talk...I left the dubs to get away from it... this forum is a great social outlet for all kinds of NON dub discussion...

    I try to post less...but see.... cant stay away

    Cool that you are training a guide dog. My uncle has a guide dog since he has seizures...I was told that the dog can detect a seizure coming before he does, and the dog guides my uncle to a safe spot or even provides a place to land if he falls........that dog is bad all the time...EXCEPT when the dog has its work vest on...then ALL BUSINESS..or his training instinct kicks in.....otherwise? badly behaved....

    Snakes ()

  • diamondblue1974
    Re: I adopted a very special Puppy. Pics...and do you have Tips?

    Whats this 'I' business?

    Its a definate 'we' when I have to have my feet bitten, trainers chewed, floors peed on, coals chewed, trouser legs chewed, and hands bitten.

    Shes adorable but shes a demon alright - its like the exorcist - a sweet innocent little girl turns into a demon - I am just waiting for the green puke!

    G x

  • diamondblue1974
    no kitty

    LMAO Poppy definately needs to learn this one - she will come off the worse if she doesnt, our cat is hard as nails.


  • Gill

    Gary! I bet it's 'we' when it comes to poop shooveling as well!

    Lovely Pup!

    Now get down to the toilet training!! A little persistence and she'll be pooping and weeing on command within 2 weeks!

    A friend dropped round with their 17 week old pup last week and it pissed all over my laminate floor! Not impressed was I!

  • diamondblue1974
    A friend dropped round with their 17 week old pup last week and it pissed all over my laminate floor! Not impressed was I!

    Ahh...we seem to have it good then...shes only 8 weeks old and already tells us when she needs a wee or a poo - she has the occasional accident but we are very lucky.

    17 weeks old and still pissing the floor? Either they arent trying to house train it or it has something wrong with it.

    I bet you werent happy lol


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