
by Adam 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Adam

    There are those who have left the JWs and become athiest/agnostic/skeptic. Some would say those people have had their faith in God so shaken by the corrupt, man-made religion of JWs that they have fallen into confusion and need to be shown the "right" way.

    Then there are those who have left the JWs and found another version of Christianity they feel is the proper way to worship the God of the Bible. Some would say that those people have only swapped one religion for another and have failed to realize the greater truth that there is no God or that you can't know for sure which religion is correct.

    I'd like to hear who people think is right and why.

    And the more important question:
    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?

  • Julie

    Hi Adam,

    While I never joined the JWs I was still shocked to find out the truth about the WT. I had reached a point of checking out the various denominations in Christianity and when I finally got to the point of discovery re: the WT, well I stepped back and looked at the Big Picture. Namely the bible.

    I spent many a painful hour at H2O watching the bible being hotly debated. I was of the believer crowd and wanted desperately for someone to come up with a credible explanation of the horrors in the bible and how such a book could be of God. I never saw one, still haven't. It really made me re-evaluate the whole faith thing. Just what was it I had faith in? I didn't like what I came up with. I have a greater faith in myself and the Greater Good than I ever could have in anything else cause I have seen good reason for it.

    I've dumped the baggage that comes with being a believer but not until I was able. Some never are able, some never even want to give it a thought. To each his/her own. I only have a problem when someone promotes their beliefs in such a way as to belittle those who don't believe the same. Or using dishonest tactics. That's just asking for it.

    Just my 2 cents worth--

  • Seeker
    There are those who have left the JWs and become athiest/agnostic/skeptic. Some would say those people have had their faith in God so shaken by the corrupt, man-made religion of JWs that they have fallen into confusion and need to be shown the "right" way.

    That's not how I felt, or why I became one of those "atheist/agnostic/skeptic" types. Here's why I became agnostic: When my examination of JW teachings and practices provided evidence that they were not the right religion, I knew I had to find the right way to worship God. That was my chief concern. So I started re-reading the Bible, just the Bible. new-found examination skills found the Bible lacking in certain, uh, "divine" qualities. what? The Qu'ran? Hmmm...similar problems. Book of Mormon? LOL. What about other religious groups? Loose confederations of Christians? Individuals with religious ideas? Hmmm...all flawed.

    What about the alternative, evolution and such? Hmmm...where are all those flaws I was taught to look for?

    That's what happened to me. I didn't feel turned off from God because of my JW experience. I was perfectly willing to accept God in my life in whatever manner He would want me to do. Problem is, if you look at any other religion with the same perceptive eye that can tear apart JW theology, you also find problems, inconsistencies, errors, special pleadings, etc.

    If I could find a religion that would act as if it really were from a God of love, I might be interested. So far, none have passed the test. I finally decided that any God worth worshipping wouldn't demand worship in the first place. I expect nothing at death. If I get something anyway, I'll call it a lucky bonus, and be all ears for whatever is next.

  • ISP

    I don't think you have all the categories there! But I know where you are coming from! Personally...I think there is a lot you don't realise about the Bible, Jesus etc when you are a JW. I don't think God is active or blessing anyone so don't get heated up about it and if you follow religion be ready for disappointment. The WTS has disapponted EVERY generation.


  • Ranchette

    Here's an answer just off the top of my head.

    If you are religious, Athiest, Agnostic or whatever, and are at peace and and feel comfortable with your outlook on life then that's right for you.
    If you define yourself as any of these things and you are unhappy and lost or confused you have to find the answers that are right for you.It takes personal effort and no one can do it for you.

    This right or wrong business should be in my opinion, what is right or wrong for you, it's very personal.
    When we think we've found the answer we don't need to force it on others like we did when we were JW's.
    But sharing ideas and feelings is okay,in fact very good.
    I hope this makes some sense to you.


  • gumby

    Hi adam.
    Your quote below would fit me.....

    Then there are those who have left the JWs and found another version of Christianity they feel is the proper way to worship the God of the Bible
    I, like many others on this board, have questioned certain areas of the bible which is hard to understand.
    What always brings me back is the wonder of creation....of life.
    Watching my dog playing with the kitty and how they act reminds me of the impossibility of the beauty of what God has made could happen by chance.
    Archeology, the benifits of the wisdom in the bible, and it's consistancy, reminds me that the God of the bible and his plan for salvation is what makes sense to me. Someone put us here and made all the elements for life and it only stands to reason he would leave us a guide to follow.....his word and his spirit.

  • Bridgette

    Dear Adam,
    When I stepped out of the Right vs. Wrong/Good vs. Evil mindset, I began to "see" so many things. Now, life for me is about balance and harmony. I definitely have reverence in my life and that is as close to "worship" as I can say that I come. And I only worry about MY path, without trying to push it on anyone else. Like Ranchette said, it's a very personal endeavor--it's different for each individual. Where many dualists (i.e. Christian/Islam/Judaism) become befuddled is in trying to blanket all in one reality. It has not worked for the ages, it will not work in this new age of reason for mankind. We are more individual now than ever before.
    Now, for facts, I stick with science and scientific method: it's the only tried and true way to "know" anything. For "truths", I find them everywhere, and in every person's reality.

  • Xena

    After being a JW I have learned not to take ANYTHING on trust anymore, not even God. I consider myself agnostic because looking around me I just can't believe there isn't something out there somewhere....but I don't think whatever it is cares who we sleep with or what movies we watch...the Bible I believe is a book written my some well meaning men and that is all I believe it is...

    Answer: A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck COULD chuck wood.

  • larc


    This question has been posed before, and the way it is posed leads me to believe that you are a theist that can't understand how others came to a different conclusion. One possibility you mentioned is the idea that we became so disenchanted with one religion that we immediately threw out all other religious possibilities. As others have pointed out, this is not how our ideas evolved. We gave thoughtful consideration to alternatives and came up with the one that made the most sense to us. When examining the Bible, many came up with the writing on the wall in Daniel, mene, mene, tekel, parsin. "You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting." That came to be our conclusion regarding the Bible. (For more information on my opinions, see the thread, Our Suday School lesson)

    Adam, I am doing some geneological research, and I am trying to trace my family as back as far as I can. So, I have to ask, are you the original Adam? If so, how is Eve doing?

  • Adam

    The path I took was only slightly different from yours. I always had nagging questions but simply let them slide thinking "these guys have done their homework and there is a logical, provable explanation for what they're saying. I'll take their word for it." But while studying the Revelation Book I had my own revelation. I kept asking myself "how the hell can they KNOW that the harlot means this, or that the multiple heads of the dragons represent that." There was simply too many claims being made without enough backing behind them. Finally I faced the fact that THESE PEOPLE REALLY DON'T KNOW! How could they for sure? Then it snowballed. And if they don't know, then how do the Mormons or the Muslums know? How do we know that the Bible came from God? How do we know that there even IS a God? The only proof I could get from anyone was "we have the guidance of God, so we know we're right" or "you just must have faith" or "in my heart I just know" or something along those lines. I wasn't about buy that crap, not any more and not from anyone else. Now I am ardently agnostic. My mantra is "I don't know AND YOU DON'T EITHER!" Should I one day get proof of a God and proof that what someone is teaching is in line with what this God (or Gods) want, I will happily throw my whole being into the service of this being. But it had better be PROOF and it had better be rock solid. Otherwise live and let live. Don't try and convert me and I won't laugh you into next week.

    You know, me and Eve were never "legaly" married. But when that damn common law wife thing was put into law, the bitch split. Can you immagine over 4,000 years of interest? She took all the picures of the kids and our records too so I can't help ya, sorry.

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