half-way house for ex-Jdubs

by tula 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • tula

    This chart is out of date and I am wondering if anyone can find more contemporary statistics?

    I am wondering if there is some way possible for wbts to be billed for medical expenses caused by the psychological harm inflicted when dubs end up in dr. offices or hospital as a result of spiritual trauma and spiritual warfare?

    Seems to me that we could make them take some responsibility.

    (I am not providing the link because this is second-hand information)

    (The following quotes are taken from the British Journal of Psychiatry: the Journal of Mental Science. Published by authority of The Royal College of Psychiatrists, Vol. 126, Ashford, Kent, Headley Brothers LTD, 1975. The author is John Spencer.)

    "During the period of 36 months from January 1971 to December 1973 there were 7,546 inpatient admissions to the West Australian Mental Health Service Psychiatric Hospitals. Of these 50 were reported to be active members of the Jehovah's Witnesses movement" (p. 557).
    "Of the 50 admitted 22 were diagnosed as schizophrenic, 17 as paranoid schizophrenic, 10 as neurotic and one as alcoholic" (pp. 557, 558).

    Total admissionsAnnual rate per 1,000 populationJehovah's Witnesses admissionsAnnual rate per 1,000 population
    All diagnoses7,5462.54504.17
    Schizophrenia (295)1,826.61221.83
    Paranoid schizophrenia (195.3)1,154.38171.4
    Neurosis (300)1,182.3910.76

    "From the figures gathered in the Table it is clear that members of the Jehovah's Witnesses movement are over-represented in admissions to the Mental Health Services of this State. Furthermore, it is clear from the Table that the incidence of schizophrenia amongst them is about three times as high as for the rest of the general population, while the figure for paranoid schizophrenia is nearly four times that of the general population" (p. 558).
    "The study does not shed light on the question of symptom or defense mechanism, but suggests that either the Jehovah's Witnesses sect tends to attract an excess of pre-psychotic individuals who may then break down, or else being a Jehovah's Witness is itself a stress which may precipitate a psychosis" (p. 558).

    Also, of interest, there is now a Group Psychological Abuse Scale which is the 1st scientifically developed instrument (i.e. a series of tests) to measure group abuse ascribed to cult environments. It is measured on 4 distinct factors associated with cult environments: Compliance, Exploitation, Mind control, and Anxious Dependency. I don't know the rating on JW; I am still searching.

  • Rosalee

    39 of this group suffered from schizophrenia ... 10 neurotic ... 1 alcoholic.

    The first two illnesses are inborn charataristics ... would occur no matter what one did with their life.

    Alcoholism is a known illness.

    I find it interesting that these Witnesses went in for treatment.

    Would you rather they lived on the streets without meds or any treatment?

    Could be that these people did well to become JWs and got the help they needed. Maybe they were drawn to the Witnesses because they were shown care and compassion and understanding.

    Doesn't look like you share much compassion for those who have a disorder.

    People don't 'become' schizophrenic because of their environment .. they are predisposed.

  • tula

    Perhaps you have some difficulty comprehending, Rosalee? Try reading it again.

    I am wondering if there is some way possible for wbts to be billed for medical expenses caused by the psychological harm inflicted when dubs end up in dr. offices or hospital as a result of spiritual trauma and spiritual warfare?

    Seems to me that we could make them take some responsibility.

  • Rosalee

    So what's it going to be ... spiritual tauma .... or

    the file you posted.

    I was responding to the medical facts.

    You can't have it both ways.

  • Rosalee

    tula .. I read and responded to both of your pm's. You could at least read mine.

  • tula

    Rosalee, would you kindly go post somewhere else? It is obvious that my topic is over your head.

    I did not present this topic as a subject to be argued. If you cannot contribute to what I have requested, then your comments have no meaning here.

    Fly away, now.

  • Rosalee

    Well, sweetie, so far it looks like I'm the only one interested.

    Like I said in pm, play it out.

  • AudeSapere

    Honestly, Tula, I think that you need to determine if the JWs caused the illness or if (mentally/emotionally) ill and/or damaged people are more inclined to join the JWs.

    In other words, which came first? The disease or the indoctrination??

    Without that determination, what good is an argument to petition for the WT to pay for any care at all?


  • tula

    I think most of it is due to the suffering they experience AFTER leaving the cult. That suffering is more genuine than any happiness they found while in the cult. (apainful truth is better than a pleasant lie?) I see great emotional stress from many on this board....when trying to fade or because of df, or rejection (shunning) by family and friends.

    Surely these people did not experience such severe mind control/compliance techniques before they became JWs. (???)

    I see the mental and emotional problems as a result of indoctrination and trying to exit.

  • coffee_black

    There have been studies done, and there is a higther rate of mental illness among jws than in the general population. Jerry Bergman has done quite a bit of work in this area. I don't have any links...but I think a google search of his name might get you some additional info. I read his stuff a very long time ago.

    Rosalee.. You sound like an extremely unhappy person. I went back and read some of your older posts because your posts on this thread seemed a bit off. Could it be that the subject matter hit a bit too close to home? If you think you are proving that the watchtower is God's organization by your attitude, you are actually proving the opposite. Followers of Christ treat others with respect, not contempt. Are you really as bitter as you sound? If so, then maybe you should get some help. Seriously.

    If you really do believe that it is God's organization, then what are you doing here?


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