Comments You Will Not Hear at the WT Study (10/22 Merciful)

by WT Comments 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Gopher

    Our good friend by the poster name of "V" is now doing these fine posts. Blondie needed to take a break.

    The 1/15/08 studies will be covered on this board just before the corresponding Sunday meetings, beginning in February 2008.

  • 5go
    Para. 5:

    ...when his worshippers were in bondage in Egypt... Jehovah conducted the first infanticide of Bible history (Exodus 12:29-30), arbitrarily killing every firstborn Egyptian and animal!. Was this action necessary, dare I say merciful?

    Time to burst a bubble! The egyptians did it first remember how baby Moses came to fall into the Pharoah's daughter's hands. Though the flood account would predate that. So maybe I didn't need to burst it, never mind then.

  • V
    Time to burst a bubble! The egyptians did it first...

    Touché, my friend. WT Comments will have to be adjusted with apologies.

  • bobld

    You hit the nail right on the head.I feel the same way about all the Ex. in the O/T.The God(Jehovah) of the O/T is like an alcoholic father,really nice when sober but a raging lunatic when drunk.

    This weeks WT and like all WT'S are so full of BS.Par 12 talks about the ransom.Par 15 destruction of Sodom/Gomorrah, Par 18 God is slow to anger.So God destroys Sodom/Gomorrah in a hurry without providing a ransom.Yeah that makes sense you drunkard.


  • jgnat

    Since hubby asked me to help with the study this week, I'm checking in. It helps me purge the memory to share my own observations.

    MERCY? This article is about MERCY? Could have fooled me. JUSTICE is what this article is all about. Mercy takes a weak second. I see that love is rarely mentioned. The article outlines how Jesus healed out of PITY for the poor people. MERCY is seen as a useful quality for Witnesses, so they can show off their self-sacrifice righeousness. I imagine it is too dangerous to have a Witness love everybody. They might have to stop judging them.

    Did you notice that the earthly judges elders are bound by the law, and are "not authorized" to show mercy as Jehovah has done? (Paragraph 11)

  • WTWizard

    Here is another question that will embarrass any Witless. They claim that Jesus died so that we would have our sins paid for. That was supposed to be the Sacrifice, perfect, to which nothing ever need be added. This sacrifice was sufficient and necessary, according to their own doctrine. OK, then why are we supposed to add more to it, like the "fruitage of the lips"? Why do they continually expect us to sacrifice materially and physically?

    I guess the ransom sacrifice isn't so perfect after all. Otherwise, all our sacrificing the fruitage of the lips would be wasteful.

  • anewme

    I was not shown mercy although I practiced mercy towards others.

    It is shattering.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Out of regard for his covenant with David, however, Jehovah wanted to see if there was a basis for forgiving David's sin. (2 Samuel 7:12-16)

    2 Samuel is the covenant wherein Jehovah promises that David's progeny will forever sit upon the throne. But, David was in his early to mid-50s when he sinned with Bathsheba. At the time, he already had several sons that could have assumed the kingship.

    Jehovah could have executed David immediately, and it would not have affected the covenant in 2 Samuel.


  • blondie

    Jesus showed mercy to Peter who denied him 3 times. Do you think if Peter were a jw today that the same mercy would have been shown him by the elders? Would he have been giving the equivalent of the public talk at an international convention only 40 days later?

    elders and jws will receive the mercy they show from Jesus.....something to think about if they consider themselves Christians.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Lurkers and newbies take note:

    "Time to burst a bubble! The egyptians did it first..."

    "Touché, my friend. WT Comments will have to be adjusted with apologies."

    Error made and corrected.

    Courtesy of those "lying apostates who you should never listen to or trust".

    Great job on this V!

    Keep up the good work.

    Open Mind

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