Men & Women and... Garbage Day

by jeanniebeanz 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeanniebeanz

    Garbage day at my house is always a harrowing experience... The night before, hubby will go through the house gathering anything that looks to him to be trash. Having gotten in trouble before for throwing out some old but precious 'thing' he will now ask, "You going to keep this?" or "Why are you hanging onto this junk?" We have had some run-ins over what, exactly is garbage... One time, our son came running up to me saying that, "Daddy said to get into the bag!!!" At that moment, I heard hubby chuckle an evil chuckle in the other room.

    Do any of you have to count the children after your hubby bags up the garbage for 'Garbage Day'?


  • fokyc

    Tomorrow IS garbage day here, I have to make the most of the space available.

    If the Bin is NOT full I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown,

    just a phobia, sorry for being that way!


  • RisingEagle

    Count the children? Now that's funny!

    My Mrs. keeps a pretty meticulous house, you know a place for everything and everything in its place. Our issue is that my stuff never seems to have a place. I find I have to check certain bags just make sure that certain things I want or need are kept. There are the bags that get taken out without a second check - bathroom bag, laundryroom bag and kitchen bags (well, except for one time she threw away some moldy bread I was keeping, I was trying to find a cure for penicillin). But there is always that one bag I have to inventory just to make sure that it doesn't have anything in it that is needed and may have been tossed. For instance, after we moved one time I found all the screws and bolts in the misc. bag that were needed to put back together the kitchen table as well as the bolts that hold the back on the recliner.


  • Hortensia

    my husband was a hoarder - he would go through the trash and take things out. I got so I would take trash to work and throw it in the dumpster, otherwise it would find its way back into the house. One advantage of living alone - I have thrown out all the clutter and crap and the house is easier to maintain and looks better.

  • Dorktacular

    I often question Garbage Day at my house. Around the house, I have to help cook, clean, wash, fold, dust, etc.... but my wife has NEVER, EVER taken out the garbage. Ever. Not once. Even though I have a severe bad back problem and many times it practically kills me to drag that can to the curb. I don't even think she knows what day the garbage truck comes!

    Why is that? I know so many guys that are married and have to "share" in the household duties, but their wives never "share" in taking out trash, yardwork, auto repair, home repair, etc.....

    My fantasy come true: It's Tuesday night at my house and I'm just getting ready to drag the trash cans out to the curb, and my wife hops up and says "No, honey, let me do it and when I'm done, I'll be in the garage changing the oil and rotating the tires on your car!"

    It's amazing what men fantasize about, isn't it? Hee Hee.

  • Hortensia

    I see your point - speak up and say "honey, my back is killing me - can you help with the trash? I promise I'll help with the (fill in the blank, preferably something sitting down like paying the bills).

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