Questions to ask JW using NWT (interesting)

by bite me 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bite me
    bite me

    I came across this site a while back, it is pretty interesting.

    I tried to show it to a few JW they wouldn't set their eyes on it. I simily tried talking to a JW about they would not listen. And a couple of times I was told "well, if there is incorrect information found in the WT we are supposed to let Jehovah fix it"

    I'm like What? Where in the bible does it say that? Who in the world would actually belive that. I mean, come one, if any other religion was to give incorrect information right away the JW would be all over it saying that it should not be followed, but when JW drop an incorrect statement or whatever it is supposed to be okay? I think right there that should be a wake up call. But I think a lot of the JW's are so trapped into they don't know how to think for themselves.

    I just wonder, is the NWT going to change again? I have the 85 version that someone gave me, I have never used it for studying. I use it for when I find stuff like this. To confirm what I read on the net is true and actually what their book says. I want to some how get the pervious version because it actually has Jesus the way he should be, worshipped.

  • MadTiger

    Those are good, but to use them on most of the people who are still in, you have to repackage them.

    Memorize one or two, and present them away from the aPOZtate source, if yah know what I mean.

  • bite me
    bite me

    MadTiger, not exactly sure what you mean. I'm not that great at trying to convince people. Do you have ideas of how I can bring this stuff up in say normal conversations with people? Also without turning the conversations into a heated debate over it and having it go no where.

  • MadTiger

    Just like in the Theocratic School, where we learned to take current events and stuff and turn the conversation to JW stuff, (I hate using the word stuff!), we can also use the same principle with this stuff.

  • Zico

    I seen that list of questions on another site in my early doubting stage. At the time I was unsure of a few things, but that large list of questions gave me doubts in a lot more areas. It contributed a lot to my losing belief in the WTS.

  • bite me
    bite me

    I'm going to really have to look these over to come up with my own questions along the same lines without making it sound like an attack.

    Even though I do not know the NWT at all, not like I know my KJV or NKJV. I just know there is a lot of changes. I'm not even going to go with John 1:1 that is just wrong all together, but....

    Take a look at 2nd Sam. 21:19

    Elhanan is stated as the one to have killed Goliath in 2nd Sam 21:19 when it should be that Elhanan killed the brother of Goliath.

    A JW told me that is correct. How is that possible when Goliath was killed by David in 1 sam? When I asked them that, they said they had to get back to me. Guess what, they never did.

    On John 1:1 though, if you think about it, "a god" would show the JW's believing in 2 gods, dont' you think?

  • dawg

    Ask them to show you in the Bible where it says questining a group of men is "apostacy" and thus results in your family and friends not talking to you,.

  • bite me
    bite me

    Someone should post those on the WT website. Cause even more to have resonable doubts. :hehe

  • bite me
    bite me

    That's another reason why I'm glad I did not have to grow up in the JW faith. I have a friend who totally got shunned from everyone. Just when he needed his family the most they turned their back on him. A friend of his had the same thing happen to him and the guy ended up killing himself.

    My friend however is living his life with a new set of friends and happy that is free, but depressed by the fact that his family and old so called friends aren't around. And he's not even getting into trouble as the society said he would.

    Also, when you think you're telling the elders something in secret, it's not too long before the whole group of millions of people know about. Okay that is an overstatement, but I'm sure many know what I'm talking about. You hear about stuff that people did when they were told thinking it would be kept a secret.

  • Zico

    'On John 1:1 though, if you think about it, "a god" would show the JW's believing in 2 gods, dont' you think?'

    Yes 'bite me', it's a good one to compare with Exodus 20:3

    Also, the Jehovah's Witnesses regularly refer to Jehovah as the true God, true is often inserted before God in brackets in some texts in the New World Translation to show they are talking about Jehovah. If Jehovah is the 'True God' then would that make Jesus a false god?

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