Radical Apostasy v Liberal Apostasy

by diamondblue1974 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • diamondblue1974

    I think its a question of balance and presentation. If we appear over the top or unbalanced then the likelihood of our message being viewed favourably deminishes. Thats not to say that more radical means such as picketing etc do not have their place, I am merely making a call for balance and presentation which supports rather than undermines our position.

    I think the internet has become one of the many tools that has fast become a predominant part of our arsenal and weaponry; without being over the top or unbalanced it has single handedly provided upto the minute information to people who are searching for answers to their doubts but that being said, in the wrong hands it could be counter productive as with anything. You need to consider the message.

    You only need to see Danny Hazards site to see how presentation can be counter productive even though on some level his viewpoints are entirely valid.

    I think there is a real danger in assuming that liberal means namby pamby or that it lacks power or even validity - This website is just one example of where a more liberal approach to apostasy has had massive results.

    It is also easy but flawed to assume that the whole radical/liberal debate is merely functional. It goes much further than an attempt to pigeon hole various activities into various individual boxes. ie. Placards = Radical or Internet = Liberal.

    Its about state of mind, balance and presentation and getting it right in my view will reap the greater rewards.


  • scotsman

    It depends on your reason for leaving. If it's theological and you've found the 'Truth' elsewhere is makes sense to picket (like they used to do themselves). If it's sociological, because you've been ill treated in some way, I don't think the anger route is very productive either in helping yourself or helping others leave. They'll blame your anger on the actions of imperfect men, not the Faith itself, and you'll burn yourself nursing the wrath.

    Knowledge and disappointment are the key to diluting the Witnesses faith. And dilution is all i expect as the collapse of the religion is a ridiculously unobtainable goal. It's not the wackiest or most harmful out there.

  • minimus

    I'm an "underground apostate". I'm not big on high profile demonstrations. It never did sway me. I would rather sow seeds of doubt by expressing factual info to get those that are still able, to think.

  • Junction-Guy

    Scotsman, I believe it should be the other way around.

  • changeling

    We all have suffered as witnesses and our individual personalities and expereince will dictate how we deal with the aftermath.


  • scotsman
    Scotsman, I believe it should be the other way around.

    JG, I'm aware you do and if it's working for you pal, go for it.

  • Junction-Guy

    I believe religion is a free choice, I dont feel like you should picket with the intent to convert to your new found religion--too much like JW's. I dont force my religious beliefs on people, but I will expose religions that are emotionally destructive to people.

  • mentalclearness

    I remember going to an assembly and seeing apostates picketing. I was a teenager at the time and all it did was make me think that all apostates were crazy freaks like I had been taught all my life. In my opinion we should try doing what gets better results. If someone had talked to me as a teenager and told me that you could live a decent life outside the organization and proven with their example some other JW concepts as being wrong, it would have gotten a better result. You have to do what works, and I don't think radical apostasy works. The impact of the internet is proof of this.

  • scotsman
    but I will expose religions that are emotionally destructive to people.

    JG, therein lies a problem, some of us might feel that the very nature of religion is emotionally destructive. Would us picketing your church make you stop and think?

  • RollerDave

    I've read thru the posts on this topic, and I think I see the problem.

    Not all activism is radical activism

    Setting up websites, critically analyzing the lit, opposing the b0rg, that's not radical in my view.

    Radicalism might be in the eye of the beholder since it is a subjective term, but I think most folks would see pepper spraying some old dudes as pretty radical.

    Standing outside meetings or assemblies with a sign, might be radical, but it's in no way in the same league as pepper spray.

    Look, I think we got room for radicals under the big apostate tent, but just try not to hurt anyone and you got my thumbs up.


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