Actually sat through a whole meeting for the first time in 6 months

by B_Deserter 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • justhuman

    I haven't been there for 2 years...I'm glad that I'm out

  • jacethespace

    Me and my friend began regularly going outside during the second song half way through the meetings.We would just chill and chat.But the looks we would get when we went back in was like they thought the anti christ had landed or something.After a while before i left i wouldnt bother going back in.i just went home instead.

  • primitivegenius
    I go to the memorial every now and again but leave as they pass the emblems around and reject them ,as if that's a good thing ........ Nothing like going to a church supper and being told you're not supposed to eat or drink anything......... Now that's insanity in the first degree...

    you dont drink the wine............................ wth lol

    i dont think i could sit in that place without screaming

    hope you had an ipod or something, and a flask of whiskey to make the time go by quicker cause daymn

  • monophonic

    i remember when i was 'in' and still bought in, there were a dozen times or so where we'd show up for the meeting, then a couple of us would sneak out and go to breakfast and come back halfway through watchtower.

    to the original poster, i feel your pain, and when i do memorial for various family reasons....45 minutes of pain a year = i avoid a tornado of family shit i don't want to deal with, i take some xanax, have a flask with me that i don't mind using, and a pack of cigarettes in my pocket just for the hell of it.

    life's lovely rituals.

  • WTWizard

    The last time I went to one of those wastefests was the 2005 Crapmorial. It was almost identical to every Crapmorial as far back as I remember, and I have no intention of ever volitionally going to another one of their wastefests.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Those meetings are pretty terrible, hope you don't have to go through any more!

    The problem is that JWs in general will not accept anything that challenges their world view, regardless of how true it is. It is a very clever mind trap. Many JWs will say "if there is something out there that is better I'll follow it." Since they have already decided nothing ever will be better they trick themselves into thinking that they are making a choice to stay. It's really scary to leave the JWs, especially when you have no idea what to believe after you go.

  • saywhat29

    Oh god, I to recently sat through a meeting as I'm usually so busy that I can't go...

    Well, I went and can I say that the comments alone made me want to shoot myself. A older woman made a comment about how "People who leave Jehovah" break their parents hearts and how the families are always sad...

    And sitting there was like hel, I just wanted to grab the microphone and scream, "BUT WHO AE THE ONES THAT DECIDE TO CUT THEM OFF- THEM OR YOU PEOPLE?!" but then I realize i'd never live it down.

  • monophonic

    exact same conversation i've had with a relative who is still "in". i told them i couldn't ever let anything stupid being said from the platform without wanting a chance to make the person explain themselves on saying something so stupid....and to watch bobbing heads agree with it would make me freak out.

  • cloudblue

    I'm so getting flamed for this. Please don't flame me. /beg I went to a meeting last night, and actually enjoyed it. I haven't been in 6 months or so also, and before that at least a year. I moved out to Cali, and don't really have many friends here. I liked hearing the Bible read aloud and everyone coming up to me and saying Hi, who are you? Of course, I can only imagine their reaction if I threw in there, yea, I'm gay, and I had flaming gay sex last night. The meeting itself never bored me, and actually made me laugh through almost the whole thing. Sometimes, I was the only one laughing, but.......

  • Bobbi

    I am so going to love Cloudblue!!! I agree the love bombing is very nice while it lasts. Everybody wants to be loved.


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