Let's protect some molesters

by dawg 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • dawg

    JWs came to my door last week, I was asleep and had a note on my door telling them not to awaken me (note just says don't knock on the door). New October "Awake" magizine (left on the door) titled "Keep your children safe" says nothing about taking molestation allegations to the civil authorities. Will these dumb bastards ever learn?

  • brinjen

    Dawg! Good to see you back!

    Missed ya bro!

  • uwishufish

    I wonder if they paid for these at the hall or are some of the ones that don't contribute?

  • oompa

    Two thoghts.

    1: What a great Burglar Deterrent! I never thought about it, but if you changed a personally written note on your door from time to time, what daytime intruder and some nightime would ever attempt to break in? I am going to do it because where my house is you almost can only arrive at the front door and cant really tell if anyone is home. I am going to write out a bunch with different color paper and inks, and rotate them daily. I never lock my doors...ever when I leave the house. I am too isolated for anyone to see or hear a break in. If they want in, they would just damage my door or window. I really should get an alarm system rather than use the ..help yourself system.

    2. Dang, now I have forgot my other thought................................................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................oh yeah, I wonder how many WTBS magazines we have contributed to landfills? How many have injured their backs cleaning out thier closets from huge stacks of magazines? How many home fires have been accelerated by the fast burning magazines? How many have actually placed more magazines than just left them in doors?......................oompa

    Sorry Dawg....I came back to edit this in.....I did not mean to get so off topic....you make a good point and got me fired up already...too much coffee already

  • jaguarbass

    Hello Mr. Dog.

  • SirNose586

    I had the same problem when I was confronted by the hounders. They kept trying to sell their two-witness standard as the greatest, but I kept mentioning taking the problem to the police, and it was as if they didn't hear me at all.

  • dawg

    Sorry guys, i was at bluegrass pratice. Sirnose... try the same thing using the tactic-show me in the Bible where it says that I don't have the right to question men, at that by my so doing I'm an apostate and thus should be shunned... I get the same results.

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