Cross or Torture Stake?

by suprashy 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bill Parker
    Bill Parker

    Isn't faith in Jesus Christ dependant on accurate knowledge of everything stated in the Bible about Him? I was simply adressing the point of discussion started by someone else. It wasn't my subject! However as someone else brought out why argue at all about the method used to execute Him in the first place? The only reason I supplied the information that I did was because that was what the Bible had to say about it. So I simply supplied that information. Not that it isn't already known. Faith in Jesus Christ is another subject to be covered during another discussion. I have always found that when dealing with any scriptural subject one does not just supply answers off the top of his head. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to gather the necessary scriptural information. One has to make absolutely certain that his material is backed up by the required "two or three witnesses." I mean witnesses that actually support everything he is saying. Otherwise what he may end up doing is offering his own "private interpretation" which wouldn't be worth diddly squat if you will pardon the expression. For me everything that can be supported by the scriptures is pertinent to having faith in Jesus Christ. If it cannot be supported it has no relevance. The subject under discussion "Cross or Stake" to my mind is covered in the Bible and has everything to do with faith in Jesus Christ. Of course if you do not agree with that that is fine. You have the freedom to believe anything that you want. By that same token so do I! So does everyone else. Bill Parker

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    Hi Bill,

    Good points. My point was simply to say that faith in Christ is not based on the instrument of his death, cross or stake (speaking from a personal point of view of course). You're right, this is another discussion, but the issue was raised here, so I spoke to it.



  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    btw Bill, what part of Canada are you from? I'm in Vancouver.


  • Bill Parker
    Bill Parker

    Hi Trevor:
    I live in Toronto Ontario. To be more precise at Walmer Road and St. Clair Avenue. I kind of enjoy being on this board. It gives me incentive to dig into scriptural things where otherwise I might just dry up and blow away in the winds of this terribly troubled world. Bill Parker

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    Hi Bill,

    Yes, I know what you mean. I currently attend a Baptist church, but I find I am much more challenged at this board.

    If you don't mind my asking, are you an ex-Witness?


  • Bill Parker
    Bill Parker

    Hi Trevor:
    I was for twenty one years one of Jehovah's Witnesses as they understand that to be.
    I left after an incident at a Book Study one night. We were studying in the Revelation Book a subject dealing with the cry of "Peace and Security". The Elder so called conducting the Book Study was summing up all of the comments that he received. I put my hand up and when he called for me to answer I told him that what he had stated was not correct. Things got a trifle nasty after that. He said; "I will speak to you privately at a later time." Then he said in his arrogant tones: "I am the Book Study conducter here" With that I stood up told him to "conduct away" and walked out.According to scripture he was supposed to speak to me privately and he knew that. Instead I got a phone call from another Elder who accused me of "challanging the Faithful Slave" He then asked me if I "wanted to leave the truth." Then he threw another insult by asking me "when I was going to start celebrating birthdays?" That made me very angry and I threatened to change the direction of his nose. The language that I used at that time would have made a mule skinner blush.But you see they had no scriptural support for their actions. The same way they had no scriptural support for their interpretation of what the Apostle Paul said about that cry. I went on by various letters to them and to the Society that proved beyond all doubt that they were in the wrong I was in the right. They owed me an apology. That has never been forthcoming. I told them pointblank that when I got the apology I would return and take my seat at the Kingdom Hall. They rang my buzzer one day and said they wanted to come down and talk. I said is this about an apology?. In a very nasty tone I was told "NO." At that point I told them to "GET LOST" They did. I have never heard from them since and that is fine with me.All the Apostle Paul foretold was an ongoing peace process that would end in "bitter weeping." What really ticked me off the most is they offer their interpretation without supplying you one witness from the Bible. The reason they do not is because the witnesses for their interpretation are not there. Three that I can point to directly contradict their interpretation. We are under command to "Test the inspired expression" Since that is the case how much more so should we test the uninspired expression?I had done that. I had done my homework. I knew what I was talking about. My argument was scripturally sound. However they never give you a chance to present it. They tried to make a judicial matter out of it. For some reason unknown to me they could not do so. That said to me that "we want you to leave." I was happy to do so. Shortly after that my wife of twenty-one long years left the marriage arrangement. Proably because of the influence of you know who. Her last words to me were "YOU ARE AN APOSTATE" NIce eh? Bill Parker

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott


    > "What really ticked me off the most is they offer their interpretation without supplying you one witness from the Bible."

    yes, and rather than offering it as simply "an interpretation", it is offered as "the interpretation" - the only correct interpretation (in keeping with "present truth", of course).

    I'm sorry to hear the WTS cost you your marriage; that's a story I've heard too many times. I was fortunate enough to have my wife leave the org with me, which still amazes me as she was very "strong in the truth" as they like to say.

    Welcome to the board.

    PS - I notice you are quite new to the board - or at least at posting here. If you haven't followed the UN thread, it's quite an amazing read.


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