Hi Snake in the Tower

by Jeepthing 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Jeepthing

    Hi Snake in the tower

    It wa nice meeting you. Wish we had more time to visit. Maybe some other time. If we do go this weekend, may be you could come and visit us. Not far away from where you live. Keep in touch.


  • Dansk

    Well, I've never met Snake, but if this is a HI thread I'd like to join in. Glad you enjoyed each other's company.



  • bluesbreaker59

    Is there a midwestern meetup this weekend??? I'm in Iowa, and would like to meet others too.

  • Jeepthing

    Sorry, I am in Illinois. Just inviting Snake since he lives so close by.

  • FadingAway

    If I moved to Illinois, would I get an invite too? Or do you only invite ones from bordering states? Really if you invite one person, you really should invite all so you don't hurt anyone's feelings.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    We met snakes for the first time on Saturday when he came to the fest. Wish he lived closer so we could visit more. He's a great guy!


  • SnakesInTheTower

    a whole thread...for ol snakes? really? thanks ... im embarrassed...i dont usually get the spotlight (except reflecting off my bald head)

    hi jeepthing..nice to see you again..i knew you seemed familiar... i wish i did not have to work this weekend..where you are going is a short ride for me...

    hi dansk...i was over your way last year...too bad it was part of a special convention trip...lol...although i did enjoy it....even the convention..the eye candy was nice

    bluesbreaker59...what part of iowa? my brother lives in iowa

    fa...any fellow werewolf player is always welcome to darken my door...might have to widen it a bit though...

    bb...15 hours is a bit much..Id come more often if it werent so far...or the plane tics were cheaper...but once or twice a year would be ok...so for now i have to settle for talking to you and mem via IM....

    if i set up a midwest version of an apostafest would anyone come?....or would it be like a tree falling in a forest..would it make a sound if no one was there?

    Snakes ()

  • bluesbreaker59

    Hey Snakes,

    I'm in central Iowa, close to Des Moines. Yes, if there is a midwestern Apostafest, I guarantee I'd be going.

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