Tipping your hat to a lady is demonic

by marmot 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tula

    Politeness has always been against the rules. I always thought it was bad mannered to go to someone's house without being invited. Just show up and expect them to stop what they are doing and listen to someone tell them what they are doing wrong. I don't think they have ever been big on politeness or manners.

    Also, when they are "spying" or "stalking" you, its the same thing. They just sort of "jump out of the bushes at you". Follow you to a restaurant, follow you to a friends house, come to your house after dark to announce your JC.

    It's all rudeness...which is a tactic of intimidation. It's manipulation.

  • Leolaia

    The notion however goes back to Rutherford who felt that it was effeminate to do so:


  • delilah

    I particularly found this little paragraph, "enlightening"....

    To refrain from tipping the hat to a woman does not mean one disrespects her. Frequently it is the ones who are excessively courteous and gallant to women who show the least respect for womanhood. They use these flattering gestures and forms of outward courtesy hypocritically, as an opening wedge for improper advances that ultimately show disrespect and lead to misuse of women. It is not good to flatter people, to turn their head; it is to their harm. Specifically, why would a woman want this special show of respect from a man? One woman said in response to this question: “You don’t know how important it makes a woman feel to have a man tip his hat to her.” That is sufficient reason for Christians to refrain from the custom. It is not in the interests of the individual to make him feel important, whether the individual is male or female.

    OMG....are they kidding?? What a crock of ....

  • changeling



    Can you hear me scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Iron Rod
    Iron Rod

    "You don't know how important it makes a woman feel to have a man tip his hat to her."

    Well, we can't have women feeling important in Dubland, can we?

    You see, the real reason they said that a man tipping his hat to a woman was demonic was because it blocked her view of his eyes so that he could look at her breasts without her noticing. Bad thoughts...demonic thoughts....evil thoughts

    Wonder why men quit wearing hats?

  • DocBob
    The notion however goes back to Rutherford who felt that it was effeminate to do so:


    Leolaia, thank you - I was just looking for that.

  • lisavegas420

    hat tipping...not to be confused with cow tipping.


  • oompa

    Marmot, I am very curious as to how in the heck you came upon this bit of trivia. Do you just peruse old mgs. looking for weird things? Do share please!

    I would have bet this had to be from ancient of days 1904 or such. Gopher has obliged us with a 1952 WT article on this. My dad and lots of older guys still wear hats going door to door esp. in cold weather of course. My dad has more scarves, gloves, wool overcoats/hats, and thermals than any man I know. This prompted me to check my CD and there is not another hit since 1952......making this STILL EXISTING LIGHT!....Now how do I show this nugget to my dad???.....oompa

  • LongHairGal

    I remember years ago when I was a teenager there was an elderly man in my neighborhood who tipped his hat to me every time he saw me. While I realize this is a gesture of times past and was no more than a social amenity, it definitely made me feel good. Now contrast that with the slobs today that bump right into you. I'll take hat tipping any day!

    By the way, this man never made any improper advances to me. Pity that he has probably passed away.


  • jeanniebeanz

    Wow... How incredibly barf-worthy! This reminds me of the magazine that compared women to cows that should be fenced in when in heat since they show such lack of self restraint during that time.

    Umm... yeah... with such great advice for the sexes, the gb is gods channel for sure!


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