Help needed with an web design problem - anyone understand HTML

by jwfacts 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwfacts

    I tried to teach myself HTML by trial and error lately so I could write my site with cleaner code and make it easier to update. It is still pretty shocking but a lot better then the way I used to do it in MS Publisher.

    However I am having a problem on the home page where i have used some CSS style sheets. The site is and for some reason when I add a hyperlink it pushes it onto a new line. For an example, on the very last line "Paul Grundy (c) 2006" is typed as 1 line but appears as two. This means i can not hyperlink words within paragraphs without making it look awful.

    I can not find any information to explain why this is happening. Is there any programmers out there that could explain why it happens and what i can do to change it?

  • erynw

    try this:The css style you have for links states to display links as a block of text. This is throwing the bottom link into two lines.I added a second link style that will display the bottom link inline, which is on one line.You have two extra tags at the bottom of the code. I took them out.I also added code to properly display the copyright symbol.If you need anymore help, let me know. If you need this as a text file, PM me your email address and I'll send it on.


    "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN""" >
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    <meta name= "description" content= "JWFacts makes it as simple as possible to determine if Jehovah’s Witnesses have ‘the truth’" >
    <meta name= "keywords" content= "Jehovah's Witnesses, Jehovahs Witnesses, jehovah witness, Jehova Witness, Jehovah, Witness, JW, jehovas, Yahweh, God, Jesus Christ, Watchtower, Watch Tower, Watchtower Society, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, WTS, Organization, organization, Awake!, religion, teachings, doctrine, Russell, Rutherford, Franz, Bible, Christian, ex Witnesses, fear, Armageddon, mind control, cults, cult, blood, disfellowship, paradise, worship, 1925, 1975, 1799, 1874, 1914, 607" > <styletype =" text / css "> html , body{margin:0;padding:0}
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    <div> <tablewidth = "100%"tablebgcolor = "#D0A9F5"border = "0"cellpadding = "1"cellspacing = "1"><trvalign = "top"><td></td></tr></table> <div> <tablewidth = "100%"bgcolor = "#A9A9F5"border = "0"cellpadding = "1"cellspacing = "1"><trvalign = "top"><td> <br /><font size= "5" ><div align= "center" ><font face= "Arial" >FACTS ABOUT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES</font>
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    The Watchtower Society teaches that very shortly billions of humans will be killed at God’s war of Armageddon. Only Jehovah’s Witnesses will be saved, surviving to live forever on a cleansed planet earth. It is common for fundamental religions to teach that only they know truth and hence only they are worthy of salvation. The reason for this site is to make it as simple as possible to determine if Jehovah’s Witnesses have ‘the truth’.

    This site concentrates on three areas:

    <li>With a history of significant errors and changes can God be directing the Watchtower Society?
    <li>Is the Watchtower honest when quoting secular sources and presenting its history?
    <li>Are current Watchtower doctrine and practices justified Biblically?
    Conducting unbiased evaluation of whether your own religion is truth is exceedingly difficult and the following articles are recommended as a first step in putting relevant issues in perspective.
    <div align= "center" > <ahref = ""title = "Understand the real issue to save hours of research"> 15 minute guide to truth </a><ahref = ""title = "An overview of failed Watchtower predictions - an indication of truth?"> Is it Truth? </a><ahref = ""title = "Detailed analysis of Watchtower publisher statistics and growth"> Watchtower Statistics </a> </div>
    It is with great responsibility that a person discusses God and Truth and I have tried to be accurate in everything contained here. Please email me if there is anything that may not be correct.

    If you are a Jehovah’s Witness and feel guilty researching the Organization the following Watchtower article should put you at ease.

    <ul><i>Watchtower</i> May 1 1958 p.261 Is Your Religion the Right One? "It is important, then, that you "keep testing whether you are in the faith," as Paul declared. Keep checking to see whether the things you believe are in keeping with God's Word. But the question is, Are you willing to put your religion through such a test? There is nothing to fear, because if you have the right religion you can only be reassured by the examination. And if what you believe is not in keeping with the Bible, then you should welcome the truth, because it leads to light and life."

    As people of other faiths are encouraged to examine their religion every honest hearted Jehovah’s Witness should be prepared to do the same. If what you believe is the Truth and you sincerely trust in Jehovah, then you can be certain that any examination will strengthen your faith.
    I was raised a Witness with both parents in full time service and spent over 7 years as a Pioneer and Bethelite. Being a Witness was my life, nothing else mattered because Jehovah would rectify everything out in the New System.
    Yet two things always bothered me:

    <li>If Holy Spirit directs the Organization why do the doctrines change?
    <li>How can Jehovah destroy 6 billion people when many will never hear his name?

    The Watchtower uses ‘the light gets brighter’ to explain that the Bible predicts minor clarifications of truth. However, looking through this site will quite simply prove that the changes have been significant. If reading ‘apostate’ literature worries you then reading Russell’s Studies in the Scriptures is enough for many people to realize that the religion Russell started has very little resemblance to the Witnesses today.
    The most important doctrine of any religion is in regard to the God that they worship, so of great significance is that until the 1950’s Jehovah’s Witnesses were told they must worship and pray to Jesus. Since 1954 to do so has been a disfellowshipping offence. This indicates that until the 1950’s all Witnesses were polytheistic. Measured against current Watchtower truth all early Witnesses and Bible Students were involved in false worship and therefore can not be part of the heavenly little flock. More surprising is that the Watchtower Charter still states that the purpose of the Organization is to promote the worship of "Almighty God and Christ Jesus". The full details are contained at "Worship Jesus".
    Underpinning the Watchtower Society is the doctrine that Jesus heavenly rule commenced 1914. The page 1914 contains original Watchtower quotes showing that prior to 1914 the Watchtower claimed that Jesus rule commenced 1874 and predicted that in 1914 Armageddon would destroy all religion, all government and that the dead would be resurrected on to earth. It is startling to see what the Watchtower now claims it said prior to 1914. Truth corresponds to ascertainable fact and if the Watchtower promotes falsehoods it is not Truth.
    Being a Jehovah’s Witness has benefited many lives, as following Christian standards on morality and love can be beneficial. There is no attempt here to point the finger at any individual, as in general Jehovah’s Witnesses sincerely believe they are doing what is right and are genuinely nice people. However, issues such as the dangerous and inconsistent stance on blood, and the extreme practice of shunning even family members, possibly for life, are issues that require careful consideration. Before following such life altering practices a person deserves access to information in order to make an informed decision as to whether the Governing Body is directed by Holy Spirit and should be followed without question.
    There are many doctrinal changes listed on this site. The trained Witness response is that it does not matter because ‘the light gets brighter’. If you feel this way then please read "Directed by Holy Spirit" and "Light gets brighter" first. Regardless, you will find that the teachings have changed so significantly that they are well beyond the realms of clarification. The early Watchtower teachings on Pyramids were deeply rooted paganism, as discussed in "Da Vinci Code". There are also over 20 wrong dates, many that were part of Watchtower doctrine for over 50 years. "F&D Slave" shows that there has never been a group of Christians that believe current Witness truth. In fact every Witness prior to 1950 would have been disfellowshipped for apostasy for numerous reasons. What is disappointing is the way that current Watchtower articles refer to these changes. When a significant doctrine has changed back and forth, or been introduced and then renounced, a person must ask "Can I believe that God directed the Organization to make such mistakes?"
    A question that requires serious consideration is - what entitles this Organization to claim to be the only ‘Truth’, God’s only visible Organization and the only means of salvation when:

    <li>Holy Spirit does not direct appointment of Jehovah’s Witness elders (as shown by elders being appointed whilst committing gross wrongdoing), <i>and</i>
    <li>Holy Spirit does not direct Watchtower doctrine (as shown by the introduction of numerous wrong doctrine, such as Russell’s teaching that the earthly resurrection would occur 1914 and Rutherford’s teaching that the earthly resurrection would be 1925
    The single most important concept for a Jehovah’s Witness to realise is that in no way are they unique; neither in doctrinal beliefs, displays of love or techniques of control, and I feel the most important section of this site is Fear and Cult Mind Control. Proving that the Organization is not directed by Jehovah took me many years because of fear; fear of change, fear of my own motives and fear of researching outside of the Watchtower. I ended up researching and writing hundreds of pages of information before I was content that I was not ‘misled by Satan’. I hope that this site can help make that process far quicker and easier for others. I now understand that I suffered what is commonly referred to as <b>cognitive dissonance</b>. In order to understand that the way you may be thinking, feeling and justifying is common to members of many similar organizations I recommend reading the following link. <ahref = ""> <div align= "center" >When Prophecies Fail</div> </a> <p></p>

    Two articles that had a strong affect on me when researching were <i>blood</i> and <i>earthquakes</i>. This helped me understand that even current Watchtower doctrine is often incorrect, inaccurately presented and that other religions have good reason for why they differ to Jehovah’s Witnesses. To come to the realization that Jehovah’s Witnesses do not represent truth is devastating. To realize that your whole life, all friendships and possibly even your relationship with God may be affected has extreme emotional effects. However, I can assure you that being realistic about truth and the Watchtower Society is worth it.
    Many Witnesses do not want to know about these things, using the thought stopping question "Where else would I go?". This misstatement indicates over reliance on the Organization, encouraged by the Watchtower (w75 9/1 p. 531 "<b>Where</b> could we turn if we would leave God’s organization today? There is nowhere else! (John 6:66-69)") What Peter actually said to Jesus was "Lord, <b>whom</b> shall we go away to?" (John 6:68) The first step is to understand the truth about the Watchtower Society and the difference between following Jesus and following a self promoted organization. Only once you comprehend the psychological reason that you were able to be so convinced will you be ready to move on. The best way to understand this is to learn the techniques of <i>mind control</i> and also to understand that there are many other religions that are very similar to Jehovah’s Witnesses. Life becomes a wonderful journey as the Bible and spirituality start to reveal themselves.

    Some Bethel branches and Kingdom Hall libraries have <i>Studies in the Scriptures</i> and old <i>Watchtower</i> magazines. If yours does not, quotes on this sites can be verified by downloading scanned publications for free from or Bible Students still believe the works of Russell and have electronic copies of pre-1916 Watchtower publications at, or

    If I can help the process in any way please feel free to email me at [email protected]
    <div align= "right" > <ahref = ""class = "a1"target = "_blank"> Paul Grundy </a>&copy; 2006<br /></div>
    <div id="navigation" > <afontcolor = "#FFFFFF"> </font> <ahref = "mailto:[email protected]"> <div align= "center" ><font face= "verdana" ><font size= "1" >Email me</font></div> </a> <font face= "Arial" ><h4><div align= "center" >Watchtower Concepts</div></h4> <ahref = ""> Directed by Holy Spirit </a><ahref = ""> Light gets brighter </a><ahref = ""> Salvation only for Jehovah's Witnesses </a><ahref = ""> Jehovah’s Prophet </a> <h4><div align= "center" >Changed Teachings</div></h4> <ahref = ""> Medical Advice </a><ahref = ""> Changed Dates </a><ahref = ""> 1914 </a><ahref = ""> 1925 - "Millions Now Living Will Never Die!" </a><ahref = ""> 1975 </a><ahref = ""> Generation </a><ahref = ""> Beth-Sarim </a><ahref = ""> Baptism Questions </a><ahref = ""> Christmas & Birthday Celebrations </a><ahref = ""> Da Vinci Code </a><ahref = ""> Elder arrangement </a><ahref = ""> Prophecies - Revelation and Daniel </a><ahref = ""> Resurrection - for whom </a><ahref = ""> Superior Authorities </a><ahref = ""> Worship Jesus </a><ahref = ""> Zionism </a> <br /><br /></div>
    <div id= "extra" >
    <h4><div align= "center" >Questionable Doctrine</div></h4> <ahref = ""> Introduction </a><ahref = ""> Blood Doctrine </a><ahref = ""> Cross or Stake </a><ahref = ""> Disfellowshipping </a><ahref = ""> Paradise Earth? </a><ahref = ""> Earthquakes </a><ahref = ""> Faithful Discreet Slave </a><ahref = ""> Great Crowd - Where? </a><ahref = ""> Is Jehovah God's Name? </a><ahref = ""> Mediator for only the 144,000 </a><ahref = ""> Organization - essential for Salvation? </a><ahref = ""> Preaching - only Witnesses? </a><ahref = ""> 1914 / 607 </a><ahref = ""> Last Days </a> <h4><div align= "center" >Topics of Interest</div></h4> <ahref = "index_files/divorce.htm"> Divorce - rate amongst Witnesses </a></a><ahref = "index_files/experiences.htm"> Experiences </a><ahref = "index_files/famous.htm"> Famous JW’s </a><ahref = "index_files/mindcontrol.htm"> Fear &amp; Cult Mind Control </a><ahref = "index_files/links.htm"> Links </a><ahref = "index_files/mentalissues.htm"> Mental Illness </a><ahref = "index_files/paedophilia.htm"> Paedophilia </a><ahref = "index_files/politics.htm"> Political Involvement </a><ahref = "index_files/questions.htm"> Questions to ask your Bible Study Conductor </a></a><ahref = "index_files/similar.htm"> Similar Religions </a><ahref = "index_files/un.htm"> United Nations NGO </a><ahref = "index_files/war.htm"> War </a><ahref = "index_files/wrong.htm"> What’s wrong with being a Witness? </a><ahref = "index_files/where.htm"> Where else to go? </a> </font>
    <br /><br /></p>

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  • erynw

    For some reason I can't edit the explanation paragraph so here it is again:

    try this:

    The css style you have for links states to display links as a block of text. This is throwing the bottom link into two lines.

    I added a second link style that will display the bottom link inline, which is on one line.

    You have two extra closing div tags at the bottom of the code. I took them out.

    I also added code to properly display the copyright symbol. Dangit, the board changed this, I'll send you the code in a PM.

    If you need anymore help, let me know. If you need this as a text file, PM me your email address and I'll send it on.

  • erynw
    This means i can not hyperlink words within paragraphs without making it look awful.

    With the code I provided above, to hyperlink inside of a paragraph, add class="a1" to your hyperlink. Make sure there is a space before the word class. Like this:

    <a href = "" class = "a1" target = "_blank" >

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