Linguistic Scholar Chomsky: "Manufacturing Consent" (about news media)

by frankiespeakin 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Behind The Big News: Propaganda and the CFR

    Most Americans know the mainstream media manipulates stories, manufactures illusions, and exploits fears. But the reason is more than just ... all » liberal bias or sloppy reporting. Behind the Big News exposes a revolutionary agenda originating outside the media that defines today's headlines. This powerful and fast-paced video examines some of the biggest news stories in recent decades to discover how this subversive agenda is promoted. Behind the Big News also reveals an effective strategy to overcome this ongoing assault on American freedom. «

  • frankiespeakin


    While we know the media is controlled by corparate censorship and agendas,, this video seems to be filled with non stop biased plugging for the John Birch Society, it's New American media source it, it was kind of a shamefully biased and clearly had an agenda to promote thier values and ideology, it is easy to see why they would jump on the expossing ban wagon IMO.

    But some info was interesting if one is careful to notice the biased part.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    good catch! I didn't notice that.

  • Forscher

    I haven't read Chomsky, but,

    To the folks who called him a "Marxist hack," You might want to do your research. He describes himself as a "libertarian anarchist," the intellectual opposite of Marxists in the Anarchist movement. So while he may agree with some of the basic premises of socialists in general, including Communism, he disagrees with their authoritarian approach being the cure for society's ills. In practice, that would mean a limited governmental interference (regulation) in an essentially capitalist economy on the same grounds that I do (neither big business nor the government can be trusted to do the right thing for the consumer). So I am not going to jump on the Chomsky bashing bandwagen.

    What little I see regarding his foreign policy views appears to be closer to the views of the founding fathers than either the neo-cons or the progressives as far as I can tell, if a little naive as to the cure, much like Ron Paul. In that, he may well be closer to the libertarian view than anything else. If my read is wrong, I'd be happy for correction on that score from anybody who can write an informed analysis of them. Maybe I'll find the time for further research. All in all, I don't see anything which moves me to discount the man, though I find some of his linguistical assumptions as I've seen them presented perhaps a little off-base (that we are genetically wired with a grammatical structure). Maybe Leo or somebody can point me to better sources online for that one.

    His association with Ward Churchill doesn't endear to me at all. But I guess nobody's perfect. Best wishes to all!


  • restrangled

    good catch! I didn't notice that.

    WAC...don't feel bad. The fact that these types of videos look the same and sound the same is precisely why 99.99% of voting Americans pay little attention to them. They all are from either the fringe right or the fringe left and they both blame the media and each other. I haven't quite figured out who the audience is, but I would venture to guess that in their formative years, the people who are awed by these videos had little interest in history, politics, current affairs or film making.

    It reminds me of the first 500 music videos produced. They all try to look and sound like the next one without realizing that they all have that amateurish presentation. Its the fringe from the left leading the fringe from the right and vica versa.

    Don't get me wrong, there are valid points to be made, but a 2 minute concise spot might do better than an hour of jump cuts, 70's-80's sound beds and recycled stock footage.

    R's Hubby

  • restrangled

    To the folks who called him a "Marxist hack," You might want to do your research. He describes himself as a "libertarian anarchist," the intellectual opposite of Marxists in the Anarchist movement. So while he may agree with some of the basic premises of socialists in general, including Communism, he disagrees with their authoritarian approach being the cure for society's ills. In practice, that would mean a limited governmental interference (regulation) in an essentially capitalist economy on the same grounds that I do (neither big business nor the government can be trusted to do the right thing for the consumer). So I am not going to jump on the Chomsky bashing bandwagen.

    R's Hubby

  • What-A-Coincidence

    thanks. i am learning the ropes. :)

  • hamsterbait

    I think the "News Media" have become such a huge HUGE machine, nobody can control it in the way needed to drive it like your own personal limo. So a few (where) are using the mass media of the world?

    From top to bottom, we see individual journalists, camera operators, printers. new technologies, all vying for attention and their own personal "big break" salary rise or promotion.

    Each little action in and of itself seems to be very tiny. Internationally it snowballs.

    Eventually it produces an "emergent behavior" which has all the appearance of being intelligently guided and manipulated. But nobody is really in charge.

    Like how termites build a nest.

    Then we get people coming along (hoping to sell an article or book for $$$$$) who say we are all being deliciously manipulated to evil ends by other individuals who cannot possibly exercise such control.

    (A bit like the argument that because the world cannot sort out its problems the Devil must be thwarting us behind the scenes)

    As for those who believe in WoMD claims, there are always people who will believe anything they hear on TV. Individuals used this fact when issuing the press releases. INdividual journalists only published because it was a BIG STORY that could advance their career.

    Conversely there were enough reports casting doubt on these, but they were not as spectacular as the original claims. So less advertizing on that channel, prolly tucked away at the bottom of an inside page etc. Thats just how the media works.


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