What is your favorite Yma Sumac song?

by compound complex 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    My favorite album:

    Voice of the Xtabay


    Chant of the Chosen Maidens

    High Andes!


    Lure of the Unknown Love ...




    ????? Like the Germans say, "I must be living behind the moon" because I never heard of them. Who are they or who is he/she?


  • karvel

    definitely Babalu.

  • SacrificialLoon

    I've never heard of them either. I've heard of poison sumac though.

  • BabaYaga

    I adore Yma!!! How can one choose when all of her songs bring joy and dancing?

    There is nothing, however, that can compare with this... dear gods, listen to what she can do with that VOICE!!!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I go away for 5 minutes and look at all the replies! Thank you!

    Reborn - just check out the link I put up and that of Baba Yaga. She has a flurry of albums that are listed if you click onto her albums. She - an incredible beauty from Peru - was very popular in the 50s due to her sultry looks and incredible voice of 4 octaves. She made a comeback and still has a loyal following - you may come out now from behind the moon!

    Thank you, Baba! Ain't the lady grand? I have this little album of 45s from the 1950s and it rocks. In fact, there's an album to the tune of 'Yma Rocks'! I'm so glad you - and everyone else - chimed in ...

    CoCo Andes

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    Oh wow!

    I used to listen to my mom's 45's when I was a little kid. I was in awe of Yma Sumac! Thanks for bringing back fond memories. As far as I can remember I particularly liked Lure of the Unknown Love.


  • blueviceroy

    Me gusto mucho ! That was nice thanks ,for the link.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Some said she was just a gal from Brooklyn - Amy Camus ...

  • ninja

    hey cokey....is that errol flynn on your avatar?....if so ...he played an ancestor of mine.....Gentleman Jim Corbett

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