Actual photo of OBVES!

by deaconbluez 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    So...Obves has not been just wasting band-width on this site, eh?

    I found this reply to another of his long winded mathematical prophecies to be interesting on the other scroll [mentioned and cited above] that he was using to hype his prognosticims;

    Obves, good afternoon. It is, of course, unnecessary for me to point
    out that your previous, mathematically-proven prophecy - that the world
    will end at the end of October 2004 - failed to realise.
    It does not take mathematical calculation in order to predict that, say,
    the sky is blue, or that the sea is wet. And nor does it take the
    amount of maths you regularly present us to say that, at the end of
    October 2004, someone in the world will die. Yet that was your back-
    pedalling excuse as that time came and went - that the world ended for
    SOMEONE at that time.

    The simple fact of the matter is that your supposed wisdom in
    understanding and quantifying prophecies has failed you. Your
    predictions for the end of October were not fulfilled - yet, far from
    being discouraged, you simply pick another date and pretend that you
    knew it all along. It is this kind of flexibility and selective recall
    that enables so-called 'prophets' to shrug off the ridicule that their
    failures invariably bring about - but, as I have told you before, the
    most popular prophets have all learned the basic rule of the predictions
    industry: never give specifics. Let the punters do their own
    Nostradamus, Mother Shipton, St John... They all spoke in obscure
    riddles, so that no-one was quite sure what they were predicting, and
    never once gave an actual, solid, testable date for the fruition of
    their predictions. In essence, these great prophets told us nothing,
    but gave those prone to believe a foundation on which to build their OWN
    prophecies - usually based, as in your case, on simple wishful thinking.
    If you wish to continue to try to establish yourself as the equal of
    these great examples, then you need to alter your methods. Firstly, you
    need to stop relying on numbers. Your mathematic demonstrations merely
    highlight your desperation - in that you pick apparently random events
    to make your numbers work.

    Does any of that sound familiar?


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I think that maybe Obves, fred hall, jcanon and e-watchman should all form a nice quiet aposta-religion, maybe use e's website to launch it. That should keep em all busy for the winter. [Seasonal differences aside my astute friend from the land of Oz.]


  • brinjen

    The Apocalypse 20.8

    There are two reasonable explanations.
    The best is to place them in the period : 1914-2004-2005 AD
    The other time is : 3004-3005 AD

    Did Obves receive new light since then perhaps?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Whatever happened to E-Watchman. I haven't been there since I got the boot

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