by Cassiline 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • muslima


    I hope that the rest of your life will be peaceful and harmonious.


    The best of life to you...

  • gumby

    So So sorry to hear what hell you have been through in life.
    I think it's stories like these that make many of us take for granted our lives compared to yours.You truely are strong. Many would have "checked Out" by now.
    I am not a violent person and believe as a christian, but when I read your story all I could think of is how I would have liked to kick the living s##t out of your dad and his elder buddy any any one else that backed him up.
    "I want mercy not sacrafice" is the scripture witnesses get backwards. Your pleas to the elders and all others who plea to them are ignored because of this bible pricipal ignored by them.
    I hope for a good recovery from you and we are all here to help. Thank you for sharing this among friends.

  • conflicted

    Cassie, I don't know what to say - I know how much you had to hurt telling your story, and I am grateful that you had the courage to do so. I hope the rest of your days and years are filled with boundless joy and happiness. You are a beacon of hope reminding me that whatever happens, I can overcome it - you have gone through far worse than I ever have and emerged triumphant. Your story gives me strength to battle on.

    Thank you,

  • Cassiline

    I thank each and every one of you for your kind reply's. It would be wonderful as Simon said that if we were closer to one another a real hug could be felt and kind words heard.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • msil


    Edit your last post and remove it please...you have nothing to prove - nothing to gain and some stuff to lose from some people here. If some lame jerk can't believe you then just ignore them.

    All my best

  • safe4kids


    I agree with Msil...you have nothing to prove to pureheart! What a crappy thing to do to someone who has opened themselves up the way you have!!

    Pureheart, if you don't believe her story, fine. That's your choice. But to publicly question someone about obviously painful personal experiences??? Who the hell do you think you are??? Cassi has absolutely no obligation to satisfy your curiosity or your doubt. I'm disgusted that you would even post such a thing...do you not care about the pain you may have inflicted? Think before you type.


  • Cassiline

    ((((( MSIL DANA)))))))
    Thank you both, I edited the post taking away the names of offenders and newspapers. My hands are shaking and I am in tears, for I thought it would be the right thing to do, to post the identies but I will take your words of wisdom and leave it as it stands.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • safe4kids


    aww sweetie, don't let the dumbshits of the board get to you!!! Cassi, you truly have no responsibility or obligation to give an oaf juicy stuff to gnaw on. Your credibility is intact my dear; who else has demanded verification of others' stories?? And how many of us offer that anyway? The whole point of sharing our stories and life experiences are to receive support and understanding; for those who are unwilling and/or unable to give it to you, I say leave 'em where they lie.

    Hang in there Cassi, there are many of us here who understand only too well how nightmares can be reality...


  • Julie

    Hi Cassi--

    Brave girl. You already know my views about you. You rock. (*Julie giving the Big-Bow-Down to Lady Cassiline*)


    You on the other hand need a lesson in manners. Now go and schlepp some WTs will ya? The Borg needs the dough for legal exspenses.


  • Cowboy


    You have suffered enough for many lifetimes,my heart goes out to you...I really admire your strength and courage.

    Pureheart-You sure chose your name poorly,for the heart of someone who chooses to kick someone while they're down is anything but pure.I pity you.

    'Nuf Said


    We ride and never worry about the fall
    I guess that's just the cowboy in us all

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