Promises: For those who wondered whether I lied ...

by AuldSoul 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuldSoul

    For anyone who might be wondering what has happened with repositories of information placed in my care that are eventually to be communicated through an electronic medium, I am still working out how to get the trick accomplished through a Service Provider outside WTS reach.

    Many pieces were made available online for a short time through C.T. Russell's Web site,, but I can neither confirm nor deny whether I had anything to do with the information he made available.

    All of the information is still readily available, in some form or other, and I have heard that A.H. Macmillan may be able to get a site up and running soon. These regretful souls of JW/Bible Students past did not know what they had wrought and now their spirits wander restless trying to right the wrong by making the treachery freely available to the scrutiny of the world through the marvel of the Internet. Perhaps I can funnel certain information to A.H. Macmillan's Web development team so they can include it in their new site. Also, I understand Mr. Macmillan (he prefers "Mr." to "brother" now) is investing an umbrella corporation through which ghost corporations can operate virtually imperviously.

    Wouldn't it be nice if many corporations could disperse information freely while availing themselves of religious freedoms of speech and belief?

    These are indeed "exciting times in which we live." If anyone was wondering whether I have forgotten certain committments, please rest assured that this Corporate beast will be killed. Sometimes, extensive careful planning is required before decisive steps can be taken. I do not think A.H. Macmillan will be satisfied making the WTS squirm a bit, or even with a nice meaty bite. I think nothing short of reducing the corporation and religion to a state of panting desperation will really lay his poor tortured soul to final rest.

    By all early indication, it appears that three years from now the WTS will be in for some very rude surprises all over the world.


  • changeling


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Umm mac still alive?

  • AuldSoul

    Whatsamatta, changeling? Were you someone who entrusted some information for dispensing?

    Do you think the beast we left needs a little slaying, changeling?


    Brandon..This thread will not be understood by some..It will be understood by many...OUTLAW

  • AuldSoul

    Nope, Darth, Alexander Hugh Macmillan died in 1966. But, his restless soul still works to right the wrong he did in causing people to think well of his religion. He's looking for redemption through the Internet, isn't that wonderful?

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Uhh yeah wonderfull? let me know when he does what he gon do.

  • AuldSoul

    A BTW for anyone who reads this thread, except for nvr-nate if I ever had your phone number I probably lost it in one of my three recent moves (within the last year). So ... give me a call or PM and we will get reconnected.

  • tula

    will you give us a preview of the surprises?

    a hint?

    some idea of "collateral damage"?

  • changeling

    Slay away dear fellow! I just hate being "out of the loop". LOL


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